


3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 DAY5 2nd Season

unlearn: to deliberately forget sth that you have learned, especially sth bad or wrong ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3週間で攻略シリーズは,受験勉強での1週間の割り当て方法の1つである1週間の割当…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 DAY4 2nd Season

Gresham's law (from Britannica Online) Gresham's law, observation in economics that “bad money drives out good.” More exactly, if coins containing metal of different value have the same value as legal tender, the coins composed of the chea…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 DAY3 2nd Season

inspect: to look closely at sth/sb, especially to check everything is satisfactory to officially visit a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable --------------------------------…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 DAY2 2nd Season

cute: pretty and attractive pretty: attractive without being very beautiful adorable: very attractive and easy to feel love for beautiful: having beauty gorgeous: very beautiful and attractive attractive: pleasant to look at, especially in…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 DAY1 2nd Season

strand: to leave sb in a place from which they have no way of leaving The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport. to make a boat, fish, whale, etc. be left on the shore and unable to return to the water The ship was stran…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 COUNTDOWN 1

daybreak: the time of day when light first appears sunrise: the time when the sun first appears in the sky in the morning ----------------------------------------------------------------------- あ~るさんのニコ生,最初の50分だけ聴きました…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 PREVIEW 2nd Season

とりあえずの3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点の2周めのプランです。(朝勉) トミープロジェクトでの指示により,適宜変更していきます。 DAY1 通常の模試モード DAY2 ゆっくり解き(DAY1の出来が良ければもう一度通常模試モード) DAY3-DAY12 Part1 問題解き>…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 COUNTDOWN 2

courteous: polite, especially in a way that shows respect ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part5,Part6演習用のマークシートを作成。1枚で6セットだけど,上下が入れ替わるのが難点。 週末は1回しかやって…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 COUNTDOWN 3

far-sighted: having or showing an understanding of the effects in the future of actions that you take now, and being able to plan for them ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2chのあ~るさんのスレが気…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 COUNTDOWN 4

practice: (noun) the work or the business of some professional people such as doctors, dentists and lawyers (verb) to work as a doctor, lawyer, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 月曜日に野田さんが…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 COUNTDOWN 5

streamline: to make a system, an organization, etc. work better, especially in a way that saves money impede: to delay or stop the progress of sth ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tommy本,アマゾンで…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 COUNTDOWN 6

old-fashioned: not modern; no longer fashionable obsolete: no longer used because sth new has been invented out of date: old-fashioned or without the most recent information and therefore no longer useful ----------------------------------…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 COUNTDOWN 7

curling: a game played on ice, in which players slide heavy flat stones towards a mark ----------------------------------------------------------------------- あと4週間でTOEIC3月の公開試験です。 今朝寝坊してしまい,起きたら7時回っていま…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点 COUNTDOWN 8

cheat: something that seems unfair or dishones, for example a way of doing sth with less than it usually needs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 『3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点』書店で手に取れる方はいい…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点DAY15 三度目の模試

final: the last of a series of games or competitions in which the winner is decided ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY15終わりました。200問正解ならず。 まずはTommy師匠に感謝をいたします。私はもう英…


premature: happening or made too soon ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 応用問題ですが,2日分やっても30分かからない。 directionsの音声ファイルないので,先読み時間がありません。 DAY13 (21/22) リーディ…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点DAY3-DAY12 Review

feedback: advice, criticism or information about how good or useful sth or sb's work is ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part1 問題解説>>Dictation>>Visualization Part1はこのタスクで十分だと思う。 た…


address: to make a formal speech to a group of people ; to address a meeting/ rally/ conference to think about a problem or a situation and decide how to you are going to deal with it ; We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic p…


left wing: the part of a political party whose members are most in favour of social change right wing: the part of a political party whose members are least in favour of social change middle-of-the-road(adj.): not extreme; acceptable to mo…

TOEIC アビメ分析 どれくらい正解したのか?

TEX加藤先生はじめ多くの方々のお陰である程度アビメから正解数を 計算することができるようになっています。改めて記して感謝いたします。 いわゆる孫子にあるように自分のことを知ることは重要ですので, アビメから自分自身のことを分析しておきます。 も…

TOEIC Part2 千本ノックの反省

先日の千本ノックの反省点と今後の展望を書きます。 運営的には午前中ゆっくりしすぎました。午後3時には楽に終わっていたはずです。 directionsを聴くのはやはり無駄。いきなり問題に入るほうがリズムが生まれる。 トリプル模試からリスニングBOXへと至るC…


pier: a long structure built in the sea and joined to the land at one end, often with places of entertainment on it shelter: a structure built to give protection, especially from the weather or from attack structure: a thing that is made o…

3週間で攻略TOEICテスト900点DAY9: supplementary

practice: doing an activity or training regularly so that you can improve your skill practice makes perfect (saying) a way of encouraging people by telling them that if you do an activity regularly and try to improve skill, you will become…

TOEIC Part2 千本ノック 2nd edition

おはようございます。 同じ関東平野の30kmと違わない所でTommy本と熱いバトルが繰り広げられている週末に 何もしないのももったいないので,Tommy師匠が勧めている千本ノックを行うことにしました。 とりあえずウォーミングアップ後,始めます。 いつもTOEIC…


synchronize: to happen at the same time or to move at the same speed as sth ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 朝4時過ぎまでアイスホッケーの試合見ていました。残念ながら日本は負けてしまいました。 仮眠し…

TOEIC第177回アビメ 4JIC2

アビメが届きました。 にゃもし


trick: something that confuses you so that you use, understand, remember, etc. things in the wrong way trap: a clever plan designed to trick sb, either by capturing them or making them do or say sth that they did not mean to do or say ----…


idiom: a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words phrasal verb: a verb combined with an adverb or prepositions, or sometimes both, to give a new meaning, for example go in for, win over and see to…


endure: to experience and deal with sth that is painful or unpleasant, especially without complaining ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5時起き3日目。修理したiPod miniの音が悪いので,ポタアンをつけて…


genuine: real; exactly what it appears to be; not artificial ----------------------------------------------------------------------- なんとか5時起き。そういえば『奥様は魔女』まだ1話も見ておらず。削除すべきか? なぜか『英語5分間トレーニ…