


Countdown TOEIC S&W 7

pit [count] very bad or unpleasant place or situation - usually + of The downtown area is a pit of depression/despair/ hopelessness. the pits informal something that is very bad or unpleasant You caught the flu on your birthday? That's the…

TOEIC L&R IPテストスコアレポート届きました

リスニングが全然できていなかったのですが,辛うじて900点に届いていました。 2016年9月モノのはずで,TEX加藤先生のブログのフォーム4と同じフォームっぽいのですが, アビメは微妙に違います。公開テストがかなり採点除外されている問題があった…

Countdown TOEIC S&W 8

dying always used before a noun : happening as someone dies : relating to someone's death It was her dying wish [=her last wish] to see them married. I will remember his words until my dying day. [=until I die] ----------------------------…

Countdown TOEIC S&W 9

heal [no obj] to become healthy or well again The cut healed slowly. You've got to give the injury time to heal. After the divorce, he needed some time to heal. ---------------------------------------------------------------- なかなか腹痛…

Countdown TOEIC S&W 10

abdomen [count] the part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach and other organs abdominal adj abdominal pain/surgery abdominal muscles ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日は向島の料亭桜茶ヤ…

第221回TOEIC L&Rテストリスニング換算表試作品

TEX加藤先生のブログに提出されたデータを中心に集めた数字を 使って,リスニングの換算表を試作しました。 リスニングの平均値(▲の数字) フォーム1 63/65/67/63/53 フォーム2 68/70/73/60/58 フォーム3 67/69/71/62/59 フォーム4 62/62/73/62/57 フォーム…

Countdown TOEIC S&W 12

introspection [noncount] the process of examining your own thoughts or feelings a moment of quiet introspection ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日は葛飾区の花火大会がありました。 毎年変わらないといえば変…

第221回TOEIC L&R公式認定証届きました

過去の経験則から,正解数を推定してみました。 採点除外なしとの前提ですわ。 リスニング L1 11/14 L2 18/22 L3 16/17 L4 47/47 Part 1/2 27/31 Part 3/4 65/69 TOTAL 92/100 リーディング R1 24-26問中2問ミス R2 16-17問中2問ミス R3 27-30問中2問ミス R4…

Countdown TOEIC S&W 13

caution to warn or tell (someone) about a possible danger, problem, etc. [+ obj] She cautioned me not to decide too quickly. = She cautioned (me) that I shouldn't decide too quickly. [non obj] - + against I would caution against getting in…

第222回TOEIC L&Rテスト試験当日

run out to be used up The gasoline ran out before we got to Denver. Our money finally ran out. [=our money was all used; we had no more money] ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC L&R公開テスト受験の皆様,…

TOEIC L&R IP試験当日 SP試験前日

hallucination [count] something (such as an image, a sound, or a smell) that seems real but does not really exist and that is usually caused by mental illness or the effect of a drug He could not tell if what he was seeing was real or if i…

TOEIC L&R 第212回SP 前々日 IP 前日

compelling very interesting : able to capture and hold your attention The novel was so compelling that I couldn't put it down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Davis Cup,来年からシングルスはタイブレーク採用…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 3 IP 2

sorely very much : badly You will be sorely missed. She provided some sorely needed help. The house is sorely in need of paint. He is sorely lacking in social skills. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 柏会場…

TOEFL ITPスコアレポート届きました

550点割れでした。恥ずかしいスコアですわ。orz Section 2が自己ワーストですが,そんなに間違えちゃったのかなあ。 最近,TOEIC L&RでもPart 5で,鉄板系をやらかすとはいえ,すこしショックなスコアですわ。orz 往年のETS公式見解による換算式は, TOEIC L…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 4 IP 3

nutritious having substances that a person or animal needs to be healthy and grow properly : promoting good health and growth The food was both nutritious and delicious. ---------------------------------------------------------------- アー…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 5 IP 4

hat [count] a covering for the head that often has a brim and a rounded or flat top brim noun the part of a hat that sticks out around the lower edge brim verb [no obj] to be completely filled with something Her heart was brimming with hap…

第221回TOEIC L&Rスコア発表

なんとか900点は超えていました。 2年ぶりの年間平均900点超えに向けて,プラス局面に突入しました(笑)。 リーディングのTrue Valueは440点といってもいいぐらいの安定感。orz 完全にL>Rタイプに移行したといってもいい感じですわ。 See you later.

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 6 IP 5

neat simple and clever a neat trick He's got a neat way of memorizing information. There is, unfortunately, no neat solution to solve. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 比嘉愛未さん目当てで(少数派だろうけれど…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 7 IP 6

convalescent going through the process of becoming well again after an illness or injury The nurse tended to the convalescent patients/soldiers. tend to give your attention and take care of (something or someone) [+ obj] Please tend [=mind…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 8 IP 7

sunburn a condition in which your skin becomes sore and red from too much sunlight [count] He has a bad sunburn. [noncount] Use sunscreen to prevent sunburn. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日の高校野球観…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 9 IP 8

scrape [+ obj] to barely succeed in collecting or gathering (something needed or wanted) by making an effort --- + together or up He managed to scrape up enough money for lunch. We scarped enough players together to play baseball. --------…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 10 IP 9

mercy [noncount] kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly He is a vicious criminal who deserves no mercy. She fell to her knees and asked/begged/pleaded for mercy. ------------------------------------------------…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 11 IP 10

cool [+ obj] to make (someone or something) cool The fan cools the engine. - often + off or down A swim cooled us off/down a little. The rain should help to cool things foo/down. ------------------------------------------------------------…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 12 IP 11

suspend to stop (something) for a usually short period of time The city suspended bus service during the storm. The company was forced to suspend operations. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 第222回TOEIC L&R…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 13 IP 12

summer [no obj] to spend the summer in a particular place We summer (at our house) in Virginia. ---------------------------------------------------------------- アマゾンで,Fire TV Stickをポチりました。これで,うちのしょぼい シャープ製テレ…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 14 IP 12

thermal of, relating to, or caused by heat thermal energy thermal insulation/stress ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日の英検1級の二次試験後期日程受験の皆様,お疲れ様でした。 急用で都内に出かけたのですが…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 16 IP 15

torrential always used before a noun coming in a large, fast stream The rain caused torrential flooding. torrential rains a torrential downpour ---------------------------------------------------------------- ウィンブルドン,残念ながら,錦…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 17 IP 16

heat wave [count] a period of unusually hot weather ---------------------------------------------------------------- ウィンブルドン,杉田祐一選手の試合の観戦中です。第2セット後半から, やっと杉田選手の調子が出てきました。 CNN ENGLISH EXPR…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 18 IP 17

passage [C usually singular] a way through or to something: The refugees risked crossing the dangerous ocean passage to Florida. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 帰りに運悪く,雨にあってしまいました。これか…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 第212回公開 19 IP 18

independent not controlled or ruled by another country The country recently became independent. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日,寝る前にチェックしたら,放送予定になかった大坂なおみ選手の試合が 流れて…