afresh if you do something afresh, you do it again from the beginning ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英検と書いておきながら,今日もTOEICネタから。 今朝3時半過ぎに目が覚めてしまったので,AFN-Tokyoを…
introspection the process of thinking deeply about your own thoughts, feelings, or behavior ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英検と書いておきながら,先程,書いたTOEICの感想について。 TOEICの9月の公開…
TOEICを受験された皆様,お疲れ様でした。 私は千葉商科大学で受けて,Formは4JIC25でした。 「塗り絵」司令なかったり,携帯電話などの個別チェックがなかったり, 受験の栞が無駄にイラストが多くなっていたり,と少し変わりました。 リスニングは7月ほど…
farewell old-fashioned the action of saying goodbye ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 『あまちゃん』おしまい。増田有華さん出演の『リミット』も終了。一方, 韓流公式実戦の8,9,10の3セットは積み残し…
smart if a part of your body smarts, it hurts with a stinging pain ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 明治大学リバティアカデミーの12月のTOEIC IPを申し込みました。 IPとSPのスコアの実験のサンプルを一人分…
stubborn determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable: Why are you so stubborn? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 季節の変わり目のせいか,朝,調子が悪い。Part 5…
repercussion the effects of an action or event, especially bad effects that continue for some time: political/social/economic etc repercussions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC Part 5が全然でき…
under the weather informal slightly ill: You look a bit under the weather. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 朝から頭が痛くて,夜になっても改善しません。公開試験までに模試1周できないぞ。 中根千奈美著…
efficacious working in a way that you intend [syn] effective ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2週続けての三連休がまったく機能せず,情けない限り。ゴールド模試,やり始めましたが, きちんと5セットでき…
the secret a particular way of achieving a good result, that is the best or only way: What do you think is the secret of his success? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は親戚と内輪の会食をしたので…
dubious probably not honest, true, right etc: The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices. Many critics regard its argument as dubious or, at the best, misleading. ------------------------------------------------------------------…
arcanum mysterious or specialized knowledge, language, or information accessible or possessed only by the initiate (from MW Collegiate) initiate someone who has been allowed to join a particular organization, club, or group and has been ta…
realignment when something is changed and organized in a different way ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英検1級,最終日に申し込み。 これまで習慣でTOEICの公開試験受けるときに,新しい教材を買っていたの…
purify to make someone pure by removing evil from their soul: They prayed to God to purify them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さんのファンクラブ,発足。 TOEIC税,英検税に続いて,増田税も盗…
gloomy making you feel that things will not improve [syn] depressing [opp] bright: The report paints a gloomy picture of the economy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- やっとTOEICの受験票が届きました。…
tempest literary a violent storm a tempest in a teapot AmE an unimportant matter that someone has become upset about: Tommy dismissed the lawsuit as a tempest in a teapot. -------------------------------------------------------------------…
lull a short period of time when there is less activity or less noise than usual the lull before the storm a short period of time when things are calm that is followed by a lot of activity, noise, or trouble -------------------------------…
droop to become sad or weak: Our spirits drooped as we faced the long trip home. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 朝から頭痛。blog更新するための最低限の学習のみ。夕食食べて寝ます。 英語リスニング入門(…
revamp informal to change something in order to improve it and make it seem more modern: Many older companies are revamping their images. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 寝違えて,首の右側が痛い。幸…
reconfiguration the act or process of reconfiguring a system, organisation, plan, etc., for example a computer system (from collinsdictionary.com) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- サッカーのヨーロッパ…
ponder to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, or something that happened [syn] consider: He continued to ponder the problem as he walked home. -------------------------------------------------…
simulation the activity of producing conditions which are similar to real ones, especially in order to test something, or the conditions that are produced: The simulations done to date suggest that the asteroid could impact with earth in t…
transcend to go beyond the usual limits of something ----------------------------------------------------------------------- とりあえず,三兎を追ってみる。今日は寝坊して,5時半に起きて,テニス観戦。 朝勉なし。夜1時間のみ。またまた,まず…
oath a formal and very serious promise: swear/take an oath The president took the oath of office (=promised to do a government job well before beginning it). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2020年オ…
neophyte someone who has just started to learn a particular skill, art, job etc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEFL Juniorのハンドブックを読みました。最初韓国語版しかないという情報を読んだけど, 英…
brag to talk too proudly about what you have done, what you own etc [syn] boast‘I came out top in the test,’he bragged. boast to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions [+of] The company is inclined to boast of …
last-ditch a last-ditch attempt/effort etc a final attempt to achieve something before it is too late: The negotiators made a last-ditch effort to reach an agreement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- …
ETSのドキュメントをいくつかさらっと見た時に,面白いと思ったところを忘れないうちに 書き留めておこうというエントリーです。 Chi-wen Liao, TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Scale Anchoring Study, January 2010. (http://www.ets.org/Media/Research…
whammy [singular] informal double/triple whammy two or three unpleasant things that happen at or around the same time and cause problems or difficulties for someone or for people in general: The government's policy is higher tax and higher…
disillusion to make someone realize that something which they thought was true or good is not really true or good ----------------------------------------------------------------------- フェデラー,ストレート負け。残念。前の試合が雨天中断…