

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 25

whammy [singular] informal double/triple whammy two or three unpleasant 
things that happen at or around the same time and cause problems or difficulties
for someone or for people in general:
The government's policy is higher tax and higher interest rates.
It's a double whammy.

Lin Lougheed, 600 essential words for the TOEIC, 3rd ed., 2008.は,2日続けて,休みます。



healer someone who is believed to be able to cure people using natural
powers, rather than by using medicine

puffy if a part of your body is puffy, it is swollen:
Her eyes were puffy from crying.

adrenal gland an organ on the top of each kidney, which produces
adrenalin and other chemical substances that control your blood pressure 
and how fast your heart beats

fatigue very great tiredness;以前引いたが,忘れてました。

complexion the natural color or appearance of the skin on your face

英語リスニング入門(2002年9月4日分Labor Day)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks
afterとwhat did heのみ,書き取れた。

Words and Expressions

~ anyway?
anyway spoken used when you are ignoring details so that you can talk
immediately about the most important thing

just wasn't ~ まったく~ではなかった

session AmE a part of the year when classes are given at a college or university 

beat a dead horse to persist in pursuing or trying to revive interest in a project
or subject that has lost its usefulness or relevance
(from Dictionary.com:the Random House Dictionary)

Sounds and Sound Changes

worriedの発音 「ウォーリー」だと誤解している学習者がいる。
wellのくずれ 母音が曖昧母音になり,woolに近く聞こえることさえある。
what did heのくずれ 「ワリリ」に近い響きに聞こえる。
willのくずれ [l]が脱落し,母音が弱まる。


A: Are you going to go surfing when we go to the beach?
B: No. I think I'll try something new.
A: Oh? What do you have in mind?
B: Kayaking. I've never tried it before, and it looks like fun.

When you reach my age, you look at things a little differently.
I don't really let things bother me like I did when I was young.
I've learned to roll with the punches in life.

roll with the punches to deal with problems or difficulties by doing 
whatever you need to do, rather than by trying only one method: 
Strong industries were able to roll with the punches during the recession.

Don't be so self-conscious about being criticized.
Just look at who's criticizing you.
If you're not very impressed by them, then ignore them.
If they're people you respect, then follow their advice.
Either way, you have to have confidence in your own judgement.

either way used to say that something will be the same whichever
of two things happens or is true:
You can get to Tokyo by train or plane, but either way it's very expensive.
