


catnap informal a very short sleep: have/take a catnap 
Nomes slept badly, and had to take catnaps during the day.


AmE a large basket that you put dirty clothes in until they can be washed
BrE a basket with a lid, which is used for carrying food or sending it to someone 
as a present 

iron sth <-> out to solve or get rid of problems or difficulties, especially small 
ones: We need to iron out a few problems first. 

be expecting (a baby) if a woman is expecting, she is going to have a baby 

pregnancy when a woman is pregnant (=has a baby growing inside her body):
This drug should not be taken during pregnancy.


You can buy whatever you want.

Whatever I say, she won't believe it.

You can dress however you like.

I'll follow my dream however hard it is.

Whoever strikes first wins.

英語リスニング入門(2003年8月27日Presidents' Day)

Part 4

clumsy a clumsy action or statement is said or done carelessly or badly,
and likely to upset someone: David made a clumsy attempt to comfort us.

dig into sth to start using a supply of something, especially money

sustenance food that people or animals need in order to live:
Without sustenance, the animals will soon die.

in the saddle informal riding a horse: We did six or eight hours in the saddle 
every day.

surveyor someone whose job is to examine the condition of a building, or 
to measure and record the details of an area of land

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

Words and Expressions

can't help ... ・・・を避けられない,・・・は仕方がない

We can't help using this old machine because a new one would cost us 
three times what we earn every year.

I could use ... ・・・があればありがたい

could use sth spoken if you say you could use something, you mean 
you would really like to have it: I could use a drink.

I'm a bit hungry. I could use a hamburger.

Sounds and Sound Changes
Step by Step
ラ行の音に聞こえがちな音(3)[t], (4)[tl], (5)[dl]
Quiz 3/4

In Context
(1) justのくずれ 母音があいまい母音になったり,[i]に近く聞こえたりする。
(2) and allのくずれ andの[d]が脱落し,[n]がallに直接つながり,「ナ」あるいは「ノ」のような響きが
