

ソチ五輪観戦英語学習手抜き週間 the last day

feat something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, 
strength etc to do: remarkable/considerable/incredible etc feat
They climbed the mountain in 28 days, a remarkable feat.
明日からは休止して,TOEIC受験態勢へシフトしていきます。TOEIC SWに備えて,多少,音読重視で



Weekly Review

up-front behaving or talking in an honest way so that people know what you really
think: Mo's very up-front with him about their relationship. 

set sth <-> aside to decide not to consider a particular feeling or thing because
something else is more important: 
Both sides agreed to set aside the question of independence. 

move on to develop in your life, and change your relationship, interests, activities
etc: I've  moved on since high school, and now I don't have much in 
common with some of my old friends.

pregnant if a woman or female animal is pregnant, she has an unborn baby 
growing inside her body


There's a bus every 10 minutes.

The buses don't arrive on time.

Excuse me. I'm getting off.

Would you call a taxi for us?

If you take a taxi, you'll get stuck in traffic.

How much was the taxi fare to the airport?

How long will it take to go there by taxi?

英語リスニング入門(2003年8月29日Presidents' Day)

