



dead end a situation, plan, or way of doing something that leads to nothing further My career has hit a dead end. political dead ends ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨夜も結局,錦織選手の試合を観戦してしま…


cul-de-sac a situation in which you cannot make any more progress ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨夜はエラーニvs土居戦を観戦して,寝ました。土居選手,腹筋を痛めていたようで, お気の毒でした。なんだかんだ…


diversion something that people do because it it enjoyable, entertaining, or pleasant [count] Hiking is one of my favorite diversions. Our town offers few diversions. Sports provide him with a welcome diversion from the pressures of his jo…


marvel to feel great surprise, wonder, or admiration [no obj] - usually + at or over The audience marveled at the magician's skill. The doctors are marveling over Yuka's dramatic recovery. [+ obj] The doctors marveled that anyone could rec…


cast away cast away (someone) or cast (someone) away to leave (someone) alone somewhere (such as on an island) as a result of a storm, shipwreck, etc. - usually used as (be) cast away The crew was cast away on a desert island. ------------…


back to or toward a former state or condition Good farming practices were needed to bring the field back (to good condition). [=to restore the fields] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 逝ってしまったと思われ…


whip [+ obj] informal to defeat (someone) easily He always whips me at tennis. The team got whipped in the play-offs. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 英検の受験票が届きました。今回は,以前,TOEICで一度だけ…


falter to feel doubt about doing something He never faltered [=wavered] in his determination to go to college. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日,TOEFL ITPの申込みをしてきました。窓口だと後日,コンビニ決…


stagger [+obj] to shock or surprise (someone) very much Their indifference staggers me. It staggers me to see how much money they've spent on this project. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 帰宅したら,阪神・…


go blank If your mind goes blank, you are unable to remember or think of something. My mind went blank when I heard the question. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さんのクリムゾンFMの番組,最終回にし…


mitigate to make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful Emergency funds are being provided to help mitigate the effects of the disaster. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC L&Rテスト受験後,寄り道を…

第220回 TOEIC L&R 試験当日

palliate [+obj] to make the effects of (something, such as an illness) less painful, harmful, or harsh treatments that can palliate the painful symptoms of the disease ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC …

第220回 TOEIC L&R 試験前日

recuperate [no obj] to return to normal health or strength after being sick, injured, etc. : recover She took a day off to recuperate. -often + from Dad is recuperating from knee surgery. ---------------------------------------------------…

英検1級1次試験まであと16日 TOEIC L&R 2

cover [+obj] to report news about (something) He is an experienced journalist who covered several presidential campaigns. She covers political news for the network. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 朝,紙の…

英検1級1次試験まであと17日 TOEIC L&R 3

facet a part or element of something the different facet of our culture Each facet of the problem requires careful attention. Which facet of his character is most appealing? ---------------------------------------------------------------- …

英検1級1次試験まであと18日 TOEIC L&R 4

turn down (someone or something) or turn (someone or something) down to say no to (someone or something) especially in a polite way She turned the offer down. They turned down our invitation. I asked her out, but she turned me down. ------…

英検1級1次試験まであと19日 TOEIC L&R 5

skip [+obj] to not do (something that is usual or expected) He skipped the meeting. [=he didn't go to the meeting] I skipped breakfast, and now I'm really hungry. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ロジャー・…

英検1級1次試験まであと20日 TOEIC L&R 6

carnage [noncount] the killing of many people Years of violence and carnage [=bloodshed] have left the country by ruins. Reporters described the highway accident as a scene of carnage. ------------------------------------------------------…


retrieve [+obj] formal to keep (something) from failing or becoming worse They were able to retrieve [=save] the situation. Can their relationship be retrieved? [=salvaged] ---------------------------------------------------------------- …

第219回TOEIC L&Rテスト反省会

TEX加藤先生ならびにアビメのダータを披露していただいた皆様のお陰で, ほぼ完全な形で正解数を得ることができました。 ありがとうございました。m(_ _)m 私の受験したフォームは,TEX加藤先生のブログにおけるフォーム3でした。 リスニング PART 1/2 11/15…


eclectic including things taken from many different sources The collection includes an eclectic mix of historical artifacts. artifact a simple object (such as a tool or weapon) that was made by people in the past The caves contained many p…


swoon to become very excited about someone or something - usually + over Teenage girls swooned the band's lead singer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 覚悟を決めて,英検1級の申し込みをしました。あと3週間,…


pass [count] chiefly Brit a grade which shows that you have passed a test or class I got a pass in my History class. The required pass mark was 75 percent. ---------------------------------------------------------------- チャンピオンズリー…

第219回TOEIC L&Rテスト公式認定証到着

スコアシートが届きました。 リーディングのいまいちなスコアの原因は,PART 5/6の大量失点にありました。 語彙が6問誤答,文法が3問誤答しており, R4 18/24 R5 19/22 R4+R5 37/46 PART 7はそれなりのできだっただけに残念ですわ。orz 同義語問題でやらか…


sap [count] chiefly US, informal a person who is easily tricked or cheated The poor sap believed everything she told him. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC L&Rテストの受験票が届きました。受験会場は東京…


palindrome [count] a word, phase, or number that reads the some backward or forward The word “dad” and the number “1881” are palindromes. Do geese see God? Was it Eliot's toilet I saw? Murder for a jar of red rum. Some men interpret nine m…


self-discovery [noncount] the act or process of gaining knowledge or understanding of your abilities, character, and feelings She was on a voyage of self-discovery. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日のア…

TOEIC S&W 2017年4月オンライン結果発表

相変わらずの低スコアですが,無理やり,いいところを見つけると, スピーキングは2つのレベルがLOWを喰らわなかったこと, ライティングは160を死守したこと,ぐらいですわ。orz これで2ヶ月分の4技能のスコアが揃いました。 1年後の4技能のスコアア…


unmanly disapproving not typical of a man or suitable for a man : not manly He felt unmanly because he wasn't interested in sports. I disagree that dancing is an unmanly pursuit. My father told me that it's unmanly to cry. ----------------…


verdant literary green with growing plants The fields were verdant. a verdant forest ---------------------------------------------------------------- テレビ東京で放映している『ウルトラマンゼロ』今週からはDIVAが出演した 『ウルトラマンサーガ…