


self-discovery [noncount] the act or process of gaining knowledge
or understanding of your abilities, character, and feelings
She was on a voyage of self-discovery.
可能になりました。アーセナルがFA Cup優勝して,ヨーロッパリーグ

続きます。WTA tourはDAZNで観戦できるようです。GAORA,テニスに関しては



DAY 18-20 (Listening PART 1-3)


Enjoy Simple English

My Hometown Kyoto Part 2 Cool Kyoto

Is Japan cool? KYOTO

In Kyoto, people have a high awareness of traditions, compared with other cities in Japan. 
As a result, Kyoto preserves many treasures of ancient Japanese culture, traditional crafts, 
historical architecture, and natural scenery. Because Kyoto residents cherish their cultural 
heritage and landscapes, there are many rules respecting traditions. But this is just one of 
Kyoto’s many charms.
Now, these traditions are producing many new crafts and cultural innovations. 
Some up-and-coming artisans describe their careers as “more than a thousand years old.”
They know that their work depends on a history of accumulated efforts, and they never forget 
to acknowledge the ingenuity of their predecessors.

[+obj] to put (something) into a bag, suitcase, etc., so that
you can take it with you
Don't forget to pack your toothbrush.
Be sure to pack your bathing suit and a towel.
I'v packed a picnic lunch for us.
Pack your things/gear. We're leaving tonight.
to put things into (a bag, box, etc.)
[+obj] We packed our bags the night before our trip.
Have you packed you suitcase yet?
My bags are packed, and I'm ready to go.
[no obj] I spent the evening packing for my trip.
She packed [=packed up] and left.
We had only one week to pack and move out of our apartment. 

backpack [count] chiefly US a bag for carrying things that has
two shoulder straps and is carried on the back
- called also (chiefly US) knapsack, (chiefly UK) rucksack

suitcase [count] a large case that you use to carry your clothing
and belongings when you are traveling
She packed her suitcases the night before she left.

luggage [noncount] the bags and suitcases that a person carries
when traveling : baggage
Passengers are limited to two items of carry-on luggage.
