


palindrome [count] a word, phase, or number that reads the some
backward or forward
The word “dad” and the number “1881” are palindromes.
Do geese see God?
Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?
Murder for a jar of red rum.
Some men interpret nine memos.
Never odd or even.

本日,6月のTOEIC L&R公式テストの申込みをしました。




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Folklore and Fairy Tales: The Mouse Deer and the Tiger

Kancil Story

The Kancil Stories or the tales of Sang Kancil are the compilation of traditional folklore 
about a clever Kancil. It is a popular fables children story in Malay and Javanese culture 
in Malaysia and Indonesia. A weak and small yet cunning figure, the Sang Kancil (mouse deer)
uses its intelligent advantage to triumph over beings more powerful than itself. 
The protagonist of the story is the Kancil, a smart and sly mouse deer. 
He can fool the other animals to escape from trouble. The Kancil story is very famous 
in Malaysia and Indonesia, comics and cartoons often based on the Kancil story. 
This folklore character is similar to the American figure Br'er Rabbit. 

(from Wikipedia)

10. Sang Kancil

A major figurehead of Malaysian folklore, the Kancil (mouse deer) uses his intelligence 
in getting out of sticky situations.
While not the most ethical of forest fauna, the books on Sang Kancil nevertheless give readers 
a lesson in using wit to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles.
When not busy tricking hungry crocodiles or fooling ferocious tigers, Sang Kancil makes 
guest appearances in children’s series, toys and other educational materials.

Br'er Rabbit

Br'er Rabbit /ˈbrɛər/ (Brother Rabbit), also spelled Bre'r Rabbit or Brer Rabbit or Bruh Rabbit, 
is a central figure as Uncle Remus tells stories of the Southern United States. Br'er Rabbit is 
a trickster who succeeds by his wits rather than by brawn, provoking authority figures and bending 
social mores as he sees fit. The Walt Disney Company later adapted this character for its 1946 
animated motion picture Song of the South.

(from Wikipedia)

clothes [plural] the things that people wear to cover their bodies and 
that are usually made from cloth
I need some new clothes for the summer.
Always wear your best clothes for interviews.
I bought a new clothes dryer/washer.

pair [count] two things that are the same and are meant to be used together
a pair of gloves
a pair of shoes/socks
She won with a pair of aces.

makeup [noncount] substances (such as lipstick or powder) used to make 
someone's face look more attractive
She put on some makeup before the party.
She applied her makeup lightly/heavily.
She's too young to wear makeup.

shave to cut the hair, wool, etc., off (someone or something) very close to 
the skin
[+obj] He shaves himself [=cuts off the hair that grows on his face] 
every morning before breakfast.
He shaved his head.
She cut herself while shaving her legs.
The sheep were all shaved.
[no obj] He shaves every morning before breakfast.
I cut myself shaving this morning.
