do sb/sth over AmE to do something again, especially because you did it wrong the first time [syn] redo: The whole apartment had been done over in an Art Deco style. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- …
sift also sift through to examine information, documents etc carefully in order to find something out or decide what is important and what is not: Police are sifting through the evidence. ---------------------------------------------------…
罰ゲーム 『英検1級でる順パス単書き覚えノート』旺文社,2014年。 120ユニットあるので,基本的には,1日2ユニットで,60日で1周ですが, 3月中での終了を目指します。しかし,これで旺文社から出ているすべての 英検1級の教材を買ったことになります…
2014年7月に明治大学で受験したのと同じフォームだったのですが, 試験後の感触通りに,リスニングはダウン,リーディングはアップ,トータルはイーブンという 結果でした。リーディングの改善された2問は7月に御茶ノ水駅まで歩いた時に 990点ホル…
foreboding a strong feeling that something bad is going to happen soon: Yuka waited for news with a grim sense of foreboding. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さんの盟友秋元才加さんが載ってい…
weak points/spots the parts of something that can easily be attacked or criticized: Check your house for weak spots where a thief could enter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- よく考えたら,今日はヤフ…
the eleventh hour the last moment before something important happens: At the eleventh hour the government decided that something had to be done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は英検の答え合わせ…
stalemate a situation in which it seems impossible to settle an argument or disagreement, and neither side can get an advantage [syn] deadlock: The discussions with the miner's union ended in stalemate. ------------------------------------…
duration the length of time that something continues: The course is of three years' duration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日はチャンポンは危ないと判断して,キリンラガーの瓶ビール専門で飲んだの…
adrenalin a chemical produced by your body when you are afraid, angry, or excited, which makes your heart beat faster: There's nothing like a good horror film to get the adrenalin going (=make you feel nervously excited). -----------------…
overhaul to change a system or method is changed in order to improve it: All the community's decision-making institutions need to be overhauled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 運良く,ヤマト運輸のお…
self-restraint the ability to stop yourself doing or saying something, even though you want to, because it is more sensible not to do or say it: exercise/practise self-constraint The UN appearled for both sides to exercise self-restraint. …
insecure not feeling at all confident about yourself, your abilities, or your relationships with people:[+about] She's very insecure about her appearance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- iPad3,ポッ…
crunch AmE a difficult situation caused by a lack of something, especially money or time: Three new teachers were hired to help ease the crunch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 錦織選手,オーストラリ…
take a rain check (on sth) informal especially AmE used to say that you will do something in the future but not now:‘Care for a drink?’ ‘I'll take a rain check, thanks.’ ;たまたま聞いた入門ビジネス英語で出てきました。 --------------------…
第196回TOEIC(2014年12月実施)のスコア換算表を試作しました。 TEX加藤先生のブログにご報告をいただいた方々に,また,ブログなどを当方が覗き見して, スコアを勝手に利用させて頂いている方々に,感謝いたします。 リーディングはデータの制約から上位の…
bosom friend/buddy/pal literary a very close friend ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英検の前日の1月24日には12年ぶりにお会いする方もいらっしゃる新年会, 翌週の28日にはプレゼンがあり,全然英語学習に身…
sloth formal laziness ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 花粉症の薬を飲んだら,頭痛が酷いので,午後から休養モードに。orz 昨日ドローの決まったオーストラリアン・オープン。第5シードの錦織圭選手が, 順調に…
コメント欄にlennox_scarface様より,ご質問がありましたので,現在の私の推測を 書きます。 なお,英検に関しては,私の頭のなかでは,現行形式で行われるのは,2016年度まで, すなわち,後7回と刷り込まれていましたが,調べたところ,2017年度から新形…
mucus a thick liquid produced in parts of your body such as your nose ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 腰の痛みはとれたのですが,花粉症の症状が出始めました。眼がしょぼつき, 鼻水が垂れてきます。orz 英…
numb (1)to make someone unable to feel pain or feel things they are touching: The cold had numbed her fingers. (2)to make someone unable to think, feel, or react in a normal way: Yuka was numbed by the shock of her friend's death. --------…
少し濡れた状態でしたが,スコアシートが届きました。 1月のデキが悪いことがわかっており,来月はこれよりも悪いものを見るハメになるわけで, 少し寂しい状態ですわ。orz リスニングのアビメはもう460点なのが信じられないぐらい,ひどいですわ。 リーディ…
cryptic having a meaning that is mysterious or not easily understood ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 腰の痛みが引きません。orz 英検対策(休みます) NHKラジオ講座 ラジオ英会話 (January 14, 2015) Orderin…
lax not strict or careful enough about standards of behavior, work, safety etc [syn] slack: lax in (doing) sth The company has been lax in carrying out its duties. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 『…
brace to mentally or physically prepare yourself or someone else for something unpleasant that is going to happen: brace yourself (for sth) Yuka braced herself for the inevitable arguments. -------------------------------------------------…
Success requires simple, private, humble, even mundane daily effort. (某所よりコピペ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC公開試験を受験なされた皆様,お疲れ様でした。 本日は東京聖栄大学にて受験しま…
bum [only before noun] informal bad and useless: The orchestra was excellent. No one played a bum note. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 本日は青山学院大学にて,TOEIC IPテストを受験してきました。総研…
placement the act of finding a place for someone to live or work: The center provides a job placement service. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 明日のTOEIC IPテスト,2011年ものだとキツイので,2010年も…
defiant clearly refusing to do what someone tells you to do: Mark smashed a fist on the desk in a defiant gesture. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 土曜日は青山学院大学でTOEIC IP受験後,TOEICのコーチ…
be hot on sth informal BrE to be very strict about something [syn] tight: The company is very hot on security. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ETS英語能力リサーチの謝礼の三千円のアマゾンのクーポンを…