


TOEIC SW Countdown 6

be in the swing of sth also get into the swing of sth informal to be or become fully involved in an activity or situation: I'll need your help until I get into the swing of things. ----------------------------------------------------------…

TOEIC SW Countdown 7

tenacious determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 久しぶりに,増田有華さんネタ。バレーボールをテレビ観戦しな…

TOEIC SW Countdown 8

slack not taking enough care or making enough effort to do things right [syn] lax: slack security ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は英語部のクイズのイベントの日でしたね。女帝Junさんが優勝したよう…

TOEIC SW Countdown 9

clash a short fight between two armies or groups of people: There have been many border clashes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- チバテレビの『太陽にほえろ!』テレビのスイッチを入れた時間が20:49で, …

TOEIC SW Countdown 10

heady a heady smell, drink etc. is pleasant strong and seems to affect your senses: a heady aroma かつて,増田有華さんがアロマと言って,アレマと聞こえたんですわ。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日…

TOEIC SW Countdown 11

abysmal very bad [syn] terrible: Living conditions were abysmal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Laptop PCのキーボードを交換したのですが,きちんと動かないんですわ。orz 今日はバレーボールWorld Cupは第…

TOEIC SW Countdown 12

easy relaxed, comfortable, and not nervous or worried [opp] uneasy: +about I feel a lot easier about it now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 当地では急に涼しくなってきて,過ごしやすくなってきました。…

TOEIC SW Countdown 13 カウントダウン再開

premium ECONOMICS an additional amount of money, above a standard rate or amount: Our customers are willing to pay a premium to get a better Internet connection. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 結局…


masochism the enjoyment of something that most people think is unpleasant or painful: Walking to work in the snow sounds like pure masochism to me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11月,12月と続けて…

TOEIC SW countdown 中止

subconscious also subconscious mind the part of your mind that has thoughts and feelings that you do not know that you have them: The anger was buried deep in her subconscious. --------------------------------------------------------------…

TOEIC SW countdown 16

harness to control and use the natural force or power of something: The power of the Missouri River is harnessed to produce electricity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は久しぶりにチバテレビの『…

第202回 TOEIC スコアシートが着きました

今回は早く着きました。 平均スコアはそれほど高くはないけど,悪い数字ではありません。 私が受験したのは,マイナーフォームの4LIC21でしたが, 採点除外がないとすれば,リーディングのR4は,31問,R5は24問と推測します。 (自分のデータだけで勝手に単…

TOEIC SW countdown 17

a vacant expression/smile/stare etc. an expression that shows that someone is not thinking about anything ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 午前2時過ぎまでテニスのATP tourの試合をテレビ観戦しました。 …

TOEIC SW countdown 18

nonsensical not reasonable or sensible: nonsensical ideas ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 午前2時に目が覚めて,5時頃まで眠れず,結局,二度寝状態とだらしない日々が 続いています。orz TOEIC SW対策 横…

TOEIC SW countdown 19

sore a part of your body that is sore is painful and often red because of a wound or infection, or because you have used a muscle too much: My legs are still sore today. ---------------------------------------------------------------------…

TOEIC SW countdown 20

drag on if an event drags on, it seems to continue for longer than is necessary, often because you are bored: +for/into The board's discussions dragged on for several hours. -----------------------------------------------------------------…

第202回 TOEIC オンラインスコア発表

受験後はできているのかできていないのかよくわからず,かろうじて, 塗り絵回避したというだけのテストでしたが,なんとか,900点台に載っていました。 にゃもし

TOEIC SW countdown 21

disinclined be/feel disinclined to do sth to be unwilling to do something: [opp] inclined: The President said that he was disinclined to send in American troops. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 実は…


milestone a very important event in the development of something: +in The promotion was an important milestone in her career. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9月2日だろうという意見は置いておいて,…


増田有華さんのライブを堪能し,初台駅から各駅停車本八幡駅行きに乗り,九段下駅の 3a出口を出たんですわ。午後5時過ぎだったんですが,まだ,デモが行われており, バリケードが張り巡らされていて,実質,路上の歩行では移動ができないようになっていた…

masu mani E ライブ当日

こんばんは。待ちに待った増田有華さんのライブ,行ってきました。 初台駅で降りて,階段をあがると,右手に行列が。。。 ライザップの看板の前で晒し者状態だった昨年の悪夢の再現と思ったら, 新国立劇場の行列でした(笑)。 左手の行列へ。ライブ会場は…

masu mani E ライブ前日

prepared ready to do something or to deal with a situation: +for Professor Robbins never seems prepared for class. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- お盆ということですっかり人少なめですが,明日のライブ…

masu mani E Countdown 2

tranquil pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful: a tranquil pool of water ----------------------------------------------------------------------- お盆ということで,近所のスーパーもかなり空いています。 この週末で,懸念事項の処理を完了して,少…

masu mani E Countdown 3

settle to deal with all the details of a business or of someone's money or property, so that nothing further needs to be done ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Expense reportも書き終わり,あとは,手元…

masu mani E Countdown 4

closure the act of bringing an event or a period of time to an end, or the feeling that something has been completely dealt with: Funerals help give people a sense of closure. ---------------------------------------------------------------…


violation an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle etc: +of The military maneuvers are a clear violation of the treaty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 禁煙ゾーンでの喫煙,ドレスコード違反等…

モンゴル歓迎ウィーク DAY 4

overtime a period of time added to the end of a sports game to give one of the two team a chance to win: Miller scored 9 of his 23 points in overtime. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日のプレゼンは…

モンゴル歓迎ウィーク DAY 3

strained a strained situation makes people feel nervous and uncomfortable, and unable to behave naturally [syn] tense: Relations between the two countries are still strained. ----------------------------------------------------------------…

モンゴル歓迎ウィーク DAY 2

mother tongue the first and main language that you learn as a child [syn] native language: Spanish is the mother tongue of more than one-fifth of the population. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- お互…


commence to start something [syn] begin [opp] stop: Work will commence immediately. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MIAT OM501便の定刻でのウランバートル離陸をウェブで確認しました。 本日は成田空港へ直…