a false dawn something that seems positive or hopeful but really is not: There was talk of share prices recovering, but that was just a false dawn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20時過ぎ,近所のス…
disheartened disappointed, so that you lose hope and the determination to continue doing something: If young children don't see quick results they grow disheartened. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- …
haphazard happening or done in a way that is not planned or organized: a haphazard way/manner/fashion I continued my studies in a rather haphazard way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 早朝3時半過ぎ…
chilly if you feel chilly, you feel uncomfortably cold ----------------------------------------------------------------------- またカウントダウンの数,間違えていたようです。orz 朝から頭痛がして,英語リスニング入門のみ。夕方から鼻水も出てき…
perch perch (yourself) on sth to sit on top of something or on the edge of something: Yuka had perched herself on a toll wooden stool. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 朝回覧メールをチェックした時,お…
blather to talk for a long time about unimportant things ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日書き忘れたことをまず。 読売新聞の昨日(March 25)の朝刊の「編集手帳」でアメリカ大統領ネタが あって,これが中…
trepidation a feeling of anxiety or fear about something that is going to happen: With some trepidation, I opened the door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- amazonで在庫なしになっていた増田有華さん主…
fall asleep to begin to sleep: Yuka fell asleep watching TV. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 朝,クラシコをテレビ観戦するも,後半早々に寝落ち。レアルの3点目を見逃す。 たまにはアトレティコが優勝して…
egotism the belief that you are much better or more important than other people altruism when you care about or help other people, even though this brings no advantage to yourself; altruismは英検準1級必須単語だったはず。 -----------------…
flag to become tired or weak: By the end of the meeting we had begun to flag. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん主演映画のDVD注文したら,Amazonインスタント・ビデオの200円OFFクーポン ついた…
thermal thermal clothing is made from special material to keep you warm in very cold weather: thermal underwear ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英語教材を断捨離できず。orz 旧TOEIC形式は捨てるとかいく…
on the rebound something that is on the rebound is starting to increase or improve again: The market seems to be on the rebound. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 三連休になにかまとまったことができれば…
do a double take to look at someone or something again because you are very surprised by what you saw or heard ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 「相棒」を見てしまい,今日も最低限の学習でした。 英語リ…
glitch a small fault in a machine or piece of equipment, that stop it working: a software glitch ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ラジオの録音用にRadio Shark(1&2)というUSB機器を使っているんだけど,こ…
grudge a feeling of dislike for someone because you cannot forget that they harmed you in the past harbour/nurse a grudge (=try to continue feeling dislike for a long time) ------------------------------------------------------------------…
先日,2ちゃんねるに第3刷が最新で,きちんとバグフィックスしてあるとの情報が 載っていたので,2冊め買ってきました。 book reviewを書いたときに,HUMMERさんにコメントいただいたお礼と ムック本の投票で第1位を獲得したことのお祝いですわ。 上から…
aspiration a strong desire to have or achieve something ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC公開試験を受験なされた方々,お疲れ様でした。 朝から頭痛がして,当日は移動中にSONY WALKMANで1.25倍速で韓流…
gloomy making you feel that things will not improve [syn] depressing [opp] bright ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ルーターから先のインターネットに繋がらなくなる状態がまた発生してしまった。 今は古いル…
pluripotent not fixed as to developmental potentialitities: capable of differentiating into one of many cell types (from MWCD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日のルーターから先のインターネットに繋…
ill-conceived not planned well and not having an aim that is likely to be achieved: The policy was ill-conceived and wrong-headed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 家庭内LANが不調により,繋がっている…
plagiarize to take words or ideas from another person's work and use them in your work, without stating that they are not your own: He accused other scientists of plagiarizing his research. -------------------------------------------------…
lacking not having enough of something or any of it: [+in] He was lacking in confidence. She seems to be entirely lacking in intelligence. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AFN-Tokyo,4時からはNPR Her…
lie down BrE a short rest, usually on a bed: I'm going upstairs to have a lie down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- アメリカで夏時間が始まったので,AFN-Tokyoの番組をチェックしなくてはと思っていたのが…
recondition to repair something, especially an old machine, so that it works like a new one: a reconditioned engine ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 夜はCarlingの試合を見たあと,「球形の荒野」をみる予…
bog sb/sth <-> down if a process or plan becomes bogged down, it is delayed so that no progress is made: Talks to settle the pay dispute have become bogged down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 新し…
have something up your sleeve informal to have a secret plan or idea that you are going to use later: Don't worry. He still has a few tricks up his sleeve. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part2が不安…
showdown a meeting, argument, fight etc that will settle a disagreement or competition that has continued for a long time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEICの受験票が届きました。会場は定番の千葉商…
dilatory slow in doing something ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は目のゴワゴワ感が緩和されたので,薬の服用は控えました。 1日1模試 柴山かつの著『新TOEIC TEST学習スタートブック』Jリサーチ出版,2…
inflamed a part of your body that is inflamed is red and swollen, because it is injured or infected: an inflamed eye ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 目がゴワゴワするので,花粉症の薬を飲んだら,やはり…
anodyne a medicine that reduces pain [syn] painkiller ----------------------------------------------------------------------- さきほどWOWOWのオスカーの中継を見ていたら,レッドカーペットのレポーターで, 瀧本美織さんが出演していました。メイ…