



duplicate always used before a noun : exactly the same as something else I began receiving duplicate copies of the magazines every month. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 英検二次試験の合格発表の日ですね。合…


bungle to make mistakes in doing something : to not do (something) well or successfully goof chiefly US, informal to make a careless or stupid mistake : make a goof It was clear that someone had goofed. ------------------------------------…


dyed-in-the-wool always used before a noun, often disapproving having very strong beliefs, opinions etc., that you are not willing to change He is known as a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. --------------------------------------------------…


英語部のイベントは盛り上がっていることと思います。 本日はこだまツアーを利用しまして、昼間は大阪にて会合に出ておりました。 2月に入ってから予約を入れたので、大阪および京都では予算内でホテルはとれず、 現在、滋賀県のホテルにおります。 仕事の…


dismissal [count] A small group is protesting the dismissals of several employees. [noncount] He still hopes to win his claim for unfair dismissal. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 目にゴワゴワ感がでてきまし…

第217回TOEIC L&Rテスト公式認定証届きました

スコアが低いときは早めに届く感じがします(笑)。 リスニング 採点除外がないとして,大胆に推測すると, L1 13/16 L3 14/15 PART1&2 27/31 L2 21/22 L4 40/47 PART3&4 61/69 TOTAL 88/100 もし12問間違えていて,460なのであれば,ラッキーだったという…


grapple to try to solve a problem : to deal with a problem The company has been grappling with supply problems. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 明日オフィスに行かなくても済むように,お残りいたしました。 早…


tactic an action or method that is planned and used to achieve a particular goal We may need to change tactics. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ここ2週間ぐらい,知り合いの女性陣から,4月から昇格したり(准…


増田有華さんのゴルファー・コスプレの写真集との呼び声が高い 経済界別冊を近所の書店で買いました。雑誌の状態はきれいとはいえないのが ちょっぴり残念ですわ。 掲載ページは以下のとおりですわ。 表紙 目次(003) 005-007 010-011 014-027 035-045 075-07…


deify to treat (someone or something) like a god or goddess The people deified the emperor. Our society deifies [=worships] money. 発音要注意の単語ですわ。 worship to honor or respect (someone or something) as a god Many ancient cultures w…


solidarity a feeling of unity between people who have the same interests, goals, etc. The vote was a show of solidarity. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 帰りの電車,かなりダイヤが乱れていました。 錦織圭選手…

第217回 TOEIC L&R スコア発表

900点の壁が復活してしまい。。。トランプ大統領のせいですわ。orz 感触としては,L&Rのバランスは反対だったのですが。。。 にゃもし


spiritual of or relating to a person's spirit Doctors must consider the emotional and spiritual needs of the patients. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 英検二次試験受験の皆様,お疲れ様でした。 吉報をお待ちし…


Desirable difficulty (望ましい困難) Desirable Difficulties: If at First You Don't Succeed …You May Have Learned More than You Thought Four Desirable Difficulties for Better Learning 1. Mix it up: Vary the Conditions of Practice 2. Space it…


latent used to describe something (such as a disease) that exists but not active or cannot be seen The house they bought had latent defects. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TIME誌最新号が配信されたんですが…


instrumental learning (Psychology) a method of training in which the reinforcement is made contingent on the occurrence of the response. (from Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014) instrumental conditioni…


subtlety [count] a small detail that is usually important but not obvious - usually plural the subtleties of social interaction ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3月5日のTOEIC S&Wテストの申込みをしました。今…


giggle to laugh in a nervous or childlike way We were all joking and giggling nervously as we waited for the ceremony to begin. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日の夜にはそれほど酔っている感じではなかった…


plateau a period when something does not increase or advance any further After several years of rapid growth, the company is now at the plateau. [=it has stopped growing] The price of gas seems to have reached a plateau. ------------------…


parapsychology the scientific study of events that cannot be explained by what scientists know about nature and the world ---------------------------------------------------------------- 英語部最終勉強会,残念ながら,私はその時間,大阪にい…


debut [+obj] to show or provide (something, such as a product, television show, etc.) to the public for the first time The network debuts a new sitcom tonight. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ゴールデンウィ…


キーワードを検索して,コピペしてみました。 Mindset これについては,MINDSET にて,この本に書かれているレベルのことはすべてわかりますわ。 What is Mindset The Mindsets Why People Differ What Does This Mean For Me Silent period これについては…

TOEIC S&W 試験当日

instrumental very important in helping or causing something to happen or be done Her influence was instrumental in bringing the painting of the museum. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC S&Wテスト受験の…

TOEIC S&W 試験前日(紀元節)

fabulous told about in a story a fabulous [=mythical] creature ---------------------------------------------------------------- 英語学習の息抜きと称して,2ちゃんねるのセレン師匠のスレを読んでいたら, 村上春樹さんの英訳の話が出ていたので,…

TOEIC S&W countdown 2

dauntless very brave dauntless [=fearless] heroes ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC S&W,3月も挑戦すべきか,思案中ですわ。『発音力Ver.2』を放置プレイに してしまったので,その効果を測るために,連続受験…

TOEIC S&W countdown 3

indomitable impossible to defeat or discourage Her spirit was indomitable. [=unconquerable] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 帰り道,自宅周辺でも雪が積もっているところがありました。 今週はとにかく夜すごく早…

TOEIC S&W countdown 4

emphatic speaking or acting in a forceful way They were emphatic about their political differences. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日の飲み会で,「アベ,ガツンと言え!」が世界共通命題であるとの 意見の一…

TOEIC S&W countdown 5

fortitude mental strength and courage that allows someone to face danger, pain, etc. She has endured disappointments with fortitude and patience. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日も異様に眠いので,早めに…

TOEIC S&W countdown 6

mentality a particular way of thinking - usually singular He criticizes filmmakers for their blockbuster mentality. [=for thinking only about making movies that could be blockbuster] --------------------------------------------------------…

TOEIC S&W countdown 7

compensate to make up for some defect or weakness His enthusiasm compensates for his lack of skill. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 決勝のみと決めていたカーリング女子の試合を見ました。なかなか見ごたえのある…