nemesis an opponent or enemy that is very difficult to defeat He will be playing his old nemesis for the championship. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3月のTOEIC L&Rテストの申し込みをしました。 今年はTsuta…
wakeful not sleeping or not be able to sleep wakeful [=sleepless] nights ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨晩は予想通り,なかなか眠れず,午前3時頃までは起きていました。orz Bloomberg BusinessweekのおまけのA…
apogee the highest point of something ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC L&Rテスト受験の皆様,お疲れ様でした。 全豪オープンテニス男子シングルス決勝,フェデラーvsナダル戦を 観戦して,しかもフェデラー選手…
romp to play in a rough and noisy way The kids were romping in the yard. ---------------------------------------------------------------- やどかり模試のリスニング音声をAudio CDとして,CD-RWに焼きました。 模試のリスニング中にうまく再生でき…
全豪オープンテニス,ナダルvsディミトロフ戦,凄い試合になりました。 まさか午後9時半に帰ってきてから,ライブで試合が見れるなんて, 想像していなかったので,びっくりしました。TOEIC L&R受験のご褒美が フェデラーvsナダルの決勝戦観戦になるなんて…
palindrome a word, phrase, or number that reads the same backward or forward ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日も飲みに行くことになる危険性があるので,お昼に更新しておきます。 TOEIC L&R対策 一日一模試 『…
recapture to gain control of (a place or position) again after losing it In the final lap of the race, he recaptured the lead. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 全豪オープンテニス,フェデラー選手,決勝進出!…
galvanize to cause (a force that is capable of causing change) to become active The group is hoping to galvanize public opinion against the proposed law. The Web site has galvanized support for the project. --------------------------------…
unequal not used before a noun : not able to do what is needed She felt unequal to the job. [= she felt that she could not do the job] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日,恐らく飲みに行くことになるので,…
drill to teach or train (someone) by repeating a lesson or exercise again and again The players were drilled in practice. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 全豪オープンテニス,ナダルvsモンフィス戦を観戦してし…
aftermath the period of time after a bad and usually destructive event - usually singular The children struggled through their parents' divorce and its aftermath. ---------------------------------------------------------------- IRTの項目反…
complacency a feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try make them better : a complacent feeling or condition The stock market crash rattled/shattered/shook our complacency. [=took away our feeling that everythin…
struggle to be failing : to be doing without success He's been struggling in math class for most of the year. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6月に向けて,出直してきますという敗戦ムードなんですが, 試験中…
vigil an event or a period of time when a person or group stays in a place and quietly waits, prays, etc., especially at night wake a time before a dead person is buried when people gather to remember the person who has died and often to v…
upset an occurrence in which a game, contest, etc., is won by a person or team that was expected to lose In a major upset, he took the gold medal. Her victory in the election was a big upset. -----------------------------------------------…
rigor the difficult and unpleasant conditions or experiences that are associated with something They underwent the rigors of military training. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEICの1月の公開試験の受験票…
burial the act or ceremony of burying a dead person in a grave ---------------------------------------------------------------- 実質的な新年会があり,酔っぱらい状態なので,朝勉の結果のみですわ。 青春アドベンチャーは録音して聞きます。orz 英…
ghost a very small amount or trace usually + of He doesn't have/stand a ghost of a chance of winning. [=he has no chance of winning] ---------------------------------------------------------------- やっと定期購読をはじめたBloomberg Busine…
the end of your rope a state in which you are not able to deal with a problem, difficult situation, etc., any longer It was clear from her outburst that she was at the end of her rope. outburst a sudden expression of strong feeling He late…
deteriorate to become worse as time passes The weather gradually deteriorated [=worsened] as the day went on. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 朝から右肩の調子が寒いにも関わらず,いいかなあと思っていたら, …
hypothermia a condition in which the temperature of your body is very low She fell into the cold water and nearly died from hypothermia. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ずっと右肩・右腰の痛みが抜けません。…
hurry up and wait used to describe a situation in which you are forced to spend a lot of time waiting My father says that all he did in the army was hurry up and wait. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日の…
公式認定証届いていました。 TEX加藤先生のブログでのフォーム2のようですわ。 リスニング TEX加藤先生のブログにすでに報告のあるデータから推測すると, L1=15, L2=21, L3=15, L4=46, L5=14 あたりだと思います。 PART 1/2 21/30 <-- [2…
schedule a plan of things that will be done and the times when they will be done I have a hectic/busy/full schedule this week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 急ぎの原稿の仕事を優先させたため,ほとんど英語…
boozer a person who drinks a lot of alcohol ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は午後の打ち合わせに間に合えばいいので,午前中に,Rogue Oneを 見てきました。The Force Awakenよりもよかったですわ。字幕で,「彼…
subscription an agreement that you make with a company to get a publication or service regularly and that you usually pay for in advance You won't find this magazine at newsstands. It's sold only by subscription. --------------------------…
scald a burn left on the skin that is caused by hot liquid or steam scalding very hot a scalding bowl of soup very critical : very harsh or severe a scalding review of the book --------------------------------------------------------------…
degradation the act of treating someone or something poorly and without respect He was forced to live a life of degradation. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATP Tour, ブリスベン,決勝は錦織vsディミトロフ戦…
かなりルーズにやっていますので,ご容赦下さい。 最初の3回分の基準を忘れてしまいました。m(_ _)m BWL=BASIC WORD LIST, 4th edition 11=1100 WORDS You Need to Know, 5th edition (19) hatch パス単, 単熟語EX stifle パス単, 単熟語EX tilt 究極3 *fl…
かなりルーズにやっていますので,ご容赦下さい。 最初の3回分の基準を忘れてしまいました。m(_ _)m BWL=BASIC WORD LIST, 4th edition 11=1100 WORDS You Need to Know, 5th edition 1100 WORDSより文単をチェックしたほうが良かったですわ。m(_ _)m 次回…