scrape a situation in which you get into trouble or have difficulties ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 睡眠時間維持のため,観戦しなかったのですが,アーセナル,チャンピオンズリーグで 二連敗ですわ。これ…
wring to tightly twist a wet cloth or wet clothes in order to force out the water [syn] wring out ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 仕事は明日の午前中に区切りが付きそうな所まで来ました。 悪あがき10日間…
irritation the feeling of being annoyed about something, especially something that happens again and again: The heavy traffic is a constant source of irritation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日…
flounder to have a lot of problems and be likely to fail completely: Brondo's career was floundering when he was offered the role. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2週間後の惨敗に向けて,なんとか悪あ…
denounce to publicly express disapproval of someone or something: Residents denounced the plan because of traffic problems. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- シルバーウィーク中にやるはずだったことを必…
condolence sympathy for someone that something bad has happened to, especially when someone has died: Please accept my condolences on the loss of your mother. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 川島なお…
recovery a process of getting better after an illness, injury etc: a full/complete recovery Doctors expect the man to make a full recovery. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ラクビーのスコットランド戦…
cascade a series of things that happen quickly one after the other, each one causing the next one: a cascade of bad decisions that finally led to jail ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 午後10時半からラ…
convalesce to spend time getting well after an illness or operation [syn] recuperate: He will need about a week to convalesce after the operation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日の午後から少しず…
languish to remain in a bad condition without improving or developing: The housing market continues to languish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- なかなか回復しませんわ。妹夫婦が心配して,お墓参りの途…
groggy weak and unble to walk steadily or think clearly because you are sick or very tired: Bill looked groggy after studying all night. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨夜はラグビーの試合を見ました…
out of whack if a system, machine etc. is out of whack, the parts are not working together correctly: The printer is out of whack again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨夜はDavis Cupのプレーオフ,…
coup something you do that is successful and impressive, especially because you would not normally do it: Getting the band to play at the event was quite a coup. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 午前…
extremity the degree to which a belief, opinion, situation, or action goes beyond what is usually thought to be acceptable or usual ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今朝は目覚まし時計が鳴る前に目が覚…
unexpected surprising because of not being expected: the unexpected result of the experiment | completely/totally/entirely etc. unexpected Her death was completely unexpected. ---------------------------------------------------------------…
kick off spoken to die: It's only been about a month since Joe kicked off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 夕食後,頭痛がしたので,少し休んだ後に,フジテレビの北乃きいさん主演の アンフェアの小判鮫ド…
quitter informal someone who stops doing a job, activity, or duty because it becomes difficult: I'm not a quitter, but this job is starting to affect my health. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日の…
TOEIC公開テスト受験の皆様,お疲れ様でした。 私は先週のTOEIC SWテストに引き続き,前の晩を興奮状態で,寝付けず, 12時過ぎからアーセナルの試合の後半,2時過ぎに少しだけレアル・マドリーの試合, 5時過ぎから全米オープン女子決勝の第2セットを,昨日…
come to sth to have a particular result, usually a bad result: I never thought it would come to this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FeBe!で700円分のクーポンが残っていたので,『心に響く英語のことわ…
burst its banks if a river bursts its banks, water comes ovet the top of the river banks and goes onto the land around it ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は打ち合わせのあとで,飲みに行く可能性が…
landslide the sudden falling of a lot of earth or rocks down the side of a hill: Heavy rains caused serious landslides. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん公式ファンクラブmasu mani会員更新手…
downpour a lot of rain that falls in a short time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEICの10月の公開テストの申し込みをしました。連戦に弱い,前日にTOEFL-ITPを 受験する予定,なおかつ1週間後にTOEIC SWを…
altercation formal a short but noisy argument or fight, usually with someone you do not know ;changeとalterの違いを調べた時にalterの近所にあったので。。。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEICの受験…
massacre informal a very bad defeat in a game or competition when one team or player has many more points than the other ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC SWテスト惨敗の罰ゲームですが,11月の受験…
meager a meager amount of food, money etc. is too small and is much less than you need [syn] inadequate: school with meager resources ;この単語はLongman Examで一度引いてますわ。school with meager resourcesに 覚えがあったんですわ。 --------…
despondent unhappy and without hope [syn] depressed:+about/over Her husband had been despondent about his cancer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はテニスの試合を結局2試合観戦してしまいました。o…
noble something that is noble is very impressive and beautiful: The Siberian tiger is a noble creature. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今年も「TOEICの日」イベントが有るようです。土曜日は予定が入れづ…
mediocre not very good: the team's mediocre performance ----------------------------------------------------------------------- セレナ選手の年間グランドスラム阻止の刺客一番手相手に土居選手,惜敗ですわ。 もっと良いコートで,ホークアイ付きだ…
might strength and power: She tried with all her might to push him away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 日仏対決に敗れてしまった錦織選手でしたが,一夜明けて,西岡選手,奈良選手が 敵討ちの格好となり…
upset an occasion when a person or team that is not expected to win beats a stronger opponent in a competition, election etc: We've seen a few upset in the past week. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- …