


第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 10

inane extremely stupid or without much meaning: an inane movie ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日は寝坊してしまい,アーセナルの試合を観戦できませんでした。orz TOEIC L&R対策 休みます。 英検1級対策 休みま…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 11

source [C] a person, book, or document that supplies you with information: All of your sources have to be listed at the end of the paper. My sources tell me you're about to resign. A reliable source in the Justice Department confirmed the …

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 12

lore [U] knowledge or information about a subject, for example nature or magic, that is not written down but that one person tells to another person: According to local lore, a the castle is haunted. ---------------------------------------…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 13

draw lots to decide who will do something by taking pieces of paper etc. out of a container: We drew lots to see who would go first. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 朗読ミュージカル『カラフル』の先行抽選の…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 14

windy with a lot of wind blowing: It's too cold and windy for hiking. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 午後10時よりWOWOWで『石つぶて』を見たあとに,アーセナルの試合を 観戦して,寝ます。 TOEIC L&R対策 休みま…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 15

bowdlerize to remove the parts of a book, play etc. that you think are offensive: a bowdlerized edition of “Tom Sawyer” ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日は気持ちよく,寝過ごしてしまい,起床時間が驚きの午…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 16

moderate staying within reasonable or sensible limits: The doctor recommended moderate exercise. Trading on the stock exchange was moderate Friday. a moderate drinker (=someone who does not drink too much alcohol) -------------------------…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 17

token [only before noun] a token action, change etc. is small and not very important, and is usually only done so that someone can pretend that they are taking important action: He faces only token opposition. The aid they're offering is j…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 18

lose out to not win or get something that would be an advantage to you, because someone else gets it instead: lose out to sb Tierney lost out to Joan Crawford at the Oscars. lose out on sth Hurry, or you'll lose out on the low interest rat…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開テスト countdown 19

prayer [C] a strong wish or hope for something that you need or want: The job was the answer to all my prayers (=exactly what someone wanted or needed). I thought all my prayers were answered (=I thought I had gotten everything I wanted) w…


android [C] a robot that looks like a real person ---------------------------------------------------------------- 寒かったですわ。本日は亀有で『ブレードランナー2049』を見てきました。 朝一, 1,100yenで,ガラガラでした。すでにあらすじは知っ…

第226回TOEIC L&R公開試験 countdown 21

provision [C,U] a plan that will provide something that someone may need in the future: +for There is still no provision for a national toxic waste dump. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 明日は午後3時の打ち…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 試験当日

TOEIC L&R公開テスト受験の皆様,お疲れ様でした。 昨晩はノース・ロンドン・ダービーでアーセナルがまずまずの勝ち方をして, 気分が良かったのですが,ATP FINALS,まさかのフェデラー選手の敗退で, あまりのショックに仮眠できず,グダグダな感じで,マ…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 試験前日

providence a force that some people believe organizes what happens in our lives, especially what God want to happen ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATP FINALS,いよいよ準決勝。今年のテニス観戦もあと3試合と…

第224回TOEIC L&Rテストアビメ報告

TEX加藤先生のブログにおけるフォーム2でした。 すでに報告のあるデータを利用しました。 [2017年11月19日追記] その後,TEX加藤先生のブログに報告されたデータから初期の推計は 間違っていることが判明しました。お詫び申し上げます。m(_ _)m 後日,TEX…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 試験前々日

run through sth to repeat something in order to practice it or make sure it is correct [syn] go through [syn] run over: I want to run through the speech one more time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATP FI…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 3

last-ditch a last-ditch attempt/effort etc. a final attempt to achieve something before it is too late: a last-ditch effort to save the company ---------------------------------------------------------------- ワールドカップロシア大会,最後…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 4

rapture [U] great excitement and happiness: He stared in rapture at his baby son. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ワールドカップロシア大会,オーストラリアが出場を決めました。 ニュージーランドも続いて欲しい…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 5

misfortune [C,U] very bad luck, or something that happens to you as a result of bad luck: The banks profit from farmers' misfortunes. President Hoover had the misfortune to take office in 1929, when the stock market crashed. --------------…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 6

wink at sth to pretend not to notice something bad or illegal, in a way that suggests you approve of it: Authorities have been winking at the health cod violations for years. ----------------------------------------------------------------…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験試験スコア発表

完全に貯金を使い果たしました。 リスニングは辛うじて450点を超えていました。 リーディングは最近の鉄板スコアの435だったんですが, ココらへんのレンジに10点とびのポイントがあって, 恐らくもう1問多く正解できていたら,445点じゃないのかなあと …

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 7

jihad [C] a holy struggle to defend the Muslim faith against people, organizations, governments etc. who are believed to be against Islam ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日は英検1級2次試験B日程でしたね…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 8

pokey doing things very slowly, especially in a way that is annoying: My old pokey car can only go sixty miles an hour. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は所謂「ポッキーの日」ですね。 ミラノのNext Gen AT…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 9

berth [C] a place for someone to sleep in a ship or on a train ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はテニス観戦をした後に,本当に久しぶりに朝勉をしました。 ミラノのNext Gen ATP Finals,両グループとも3勝,…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 10

bit by bit gradually: Bit by bit, our apartment started to look like a home. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ミラノのNext Gen ATP Finals,グループAではヒョン選手の準決勝進出が 決まりました。こちらのグルー…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 11

trial [C,U] a short period during which you use something or employ someone to find out whether they are satisfactory for a particular purpose or job: Call today for your free trial! --------------------------------------------------------…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 12

novice [C] someone who has only begun learning a skill or activity [syn] beginner: The computer program is easy for even a novice to master. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 夜は午後10時過ぎに飯田橋の松屋で…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 13

refocus to cause (something, such as attention) to be directed at something different [+obj] She refocused her energies toward a career in music. He needs to refocus his attention on his schoolwork. [no obj] Sports are not a priority now. …

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 14

fateful having an important, usually bad, effect on future events: that fateful day when President Kennedy was killed ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は英検1級2次試験A日程でしたね。受験者の皆様,おつ…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 15

glory [U] the importance, praise, and honor that people give someone they admire: At 19 he won glory as an Olympic champion. The team finished the season in a blaze of glory (=thy did very well, and people praised them). ------------------…