

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 9

berth [C] a place for someone to sleep in a ship or on a train

ミラノのNext Gen ATP Finals,両グループとも3勝,2勝1敗,1勝2敗,3敗と




section 5  L  19/19  R  16/16

section 6  L  18/19  R  15/18

honor to accept (something) as payment honor a credit card  honor a check

measure [T] to find the size, length, or amount of something using
standard units such as inches, meters etc.:
measure sth in sth Drinks are measured in liquid ounces.

mix [I,T] if you mix two or more substances or if they mix, they combine
to become a single substance, and they cannot be easily separated:
In a large bowl mix the butter and flour.

flour [U] a powder made from grain, usually wheat, and used for making
bread, cake etc.: Mix the flour and sugar.

place [T always + adv./prep.] to put something somewhere, especially
with care [syn] put
place sth in/on/under etc. She placed the vase carefully on the table.
Place some lemon slices on the fish before serving it.

bake [I,T] if a cake, cookies etc. bakes or you bake them, you cook them
using an oven: Bake the mixture at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.

grill [I,T] if you grill something, you cook it by putting it on a flat
metal frame with bars across it, over very strong direct heat:
The chicken is grilled over an open flame.

fry [I,T] to cook something in hot oil or fat, or to be cooked in hot
oil or fat: Fry the pork for five minutes.




The intellect is always fooled by the heart.

[Duc de La Rochefoucauld, 1613-80]

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例のムック本で,セレン師匠の著書と思しき画像がp.83のみならず,p.7, p.41にも掲載されているんですわ。

Good evening!