

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 18

ponder to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem,
a difficult question, or something that happened [syn] consider:
He continued to ponder the problem as he walked home.


Section 1 Part A 12/15  Part B 6/8  Part C 4/9

Part BとPart Cは問題の選択肢を読む時間がなく,うまく処理できなかった。

Section 2 Part A 8/10  Part B 16/20

Section 3 19/22


funny making you laugh ; unusual, strange, or difficult to explain

repel to keep something or someone away from you: 
a lotion that repels mosquitoes

英語リスニング入門(2002年9月20日分Harvest Moon) 

Listen and Fill In the Blanks
next stopしか書き取れず。

Words and Expressions

the library 図書館という一般的な概念を提示している。

since ~ ~だから 理由をあらわす。

crack informal an attempt to do something [syn] shot
shot an attempt to do something or archieve something, 
especially something difficult

Sounds and Sound Changes
next stopのくずれ 本来は[nekstst-]となるべきだが,[nekst-]となっている。
wantedのくずれ [nt]の連なりにおいて[t]が脱落し,[n]にのみとなり,[d]も脱落。
seemed to beにおける[t] [t]は有声化し,[d]になっている。
tonightのくずれ 単語の最初の[t]がラリルレロの出だしの音に近くなっている。


A: What do you think a dog would say if he could talk?
B: Dogs can't talk.
A: I know. I'm saying what if he could talk?
B: Mine would say,“I'm going to taka a nap now.”That's all he ever does.

Oh, no, there's condensation all over the bathroom walls.
Someone forgot to put the cover on the bath last night.
Who was the last one to take a bath?

condensation small drops of water that are formed when steam or warm air 
touches a cold surface: There was a lot of condensation on the windows.

I hear that you presented your research project at the managers' 
meeting yesterday. That's a gutsy move. It's a tough crowd. 
And your conclusion aren't exactly what they want to hear. 
What's kind of reception did you get?

gutsy with wind blowing in strong sudden movements

reception a particular type of welcome for someone, or a particular type of 
reaction to their ideas, work etc 
a warm/good/enthusiastic reception TOEICで出題されたはず。
