

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 17

reconfiguration the act or process of reconfiguring a system, organisation, 
plan, etc., for example a computer system (from collinsdictionary.com)
サッカーのヨーロッパ・リーグ選手名鑑,Number, World Soccer Digest, World Soccer King
3冊の中から,一番安いWorld Soccer King版を買いました。基本的に安かろう悪かろう系だが,




第2章 TOEFL大戦略

Section 1  Part A 7/10  Part B 10/12  Part C 5/12

Part Cが出来なさ過ぎ。もっと短い英検のリスニングのPart 2もできないから現状致し方ない。
文法問題は林功先生の本で本格的に演習する予定で,この本のSection 2は練習問題だけ
で,この教材はここで中断。明日,Section 3をやって,ひとまずお休み。


muscular concerning or affecting the muscles: muscular injuries

charley horse AmE informal a pain in a large muscle, for example in your leg,
caused by the muscle becoming tight [syn] cramp
cramp a severe pain that you get in part of your body when a muscle becomes 
tight, making it difficult for you to move that part of your body

calf the part of the back of your leg between your knee and your ankle

prone likely to do something or suffer from something, especially something bad 
or harmful: prone to do sth Kids are all prone to eat junk food.

deficiency a lack of something that is necessary [syn] shortage
iron/vitamin etc deficiency 
Some elderly people suffer from iron deficiency in their diet.

英語リスニング入門(2002年9月23日分Harvest Moon) 


Listen and Fill In the Blanks

Words and Expressions

That's what it's for. それは,そのためにあるんだから。
That'sなどのあとに,what, when, howなどのことがが来る形はよく出てくるが,

~ anyway? いずれにせよ

chilly chilly weather or places are cold enough to make you feel uncomfortable

snuggle informal to settle into a warm comfortable position:
[+up/down/against etc] She snuggled up in Clarissa's lap to listen to the story.

Sounds and Sound Changes
ready toのくずれ -dyの母音があいまい母音に近くなり,toの[t]がラリルレロの出だしの音に
twentyのくずれ [nt]の組み合わせにおいて[t]が脱落しやすいパターン。
mountainのくずれ -tainの部分では,母音が聞こえない。
What do youのくずれ 「ワリユ」に聞こえるくずれ。


Considering his age, he runs fast.

Judging from what I've heard, it's just a rumor.

Speaking of food, I almost never cook.

Honestly speaking, the movie was boring.

frankly honestly and directly

Grammatically speaking, this sentence is correct.

theoretically used to say what is supposed to be true in a particular situation, 
especially when the opposite is true
