

2014年英語学習計画立て直し週間 Day 3

vacillate to continue to change your opinions, decisions, ideas etc
横川綾子/トニー・クック著『はじめてのTOEICテスト スピーキング/ライティング完全攻略』アルク
手元にすでにTOEIC SWの教材は4冊あるので,まだ,買うかどうか迷っています。

英語リスニング入門(2003年7月18日Winter Scene)

Part 2

wobbly moving unsteadily from side to side

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

Words and Expressions

out here 外のここ

get the hang of ... ・・・のコツをつかむ,やり方が分かる
get the hang of sth informal to learn how to do something or use something:
It seems difficult at first, but you'll soon get the hang of it.

Sounds and Sound Changes

Step by Step
ナ行の音に聞こえがちな音(2) [n]+[h]

Becky was in her house when Helen heard the noise.

In Context
(1)professionalのくずれ [r]の隣にある弱い母音が[r]と融合してしまう。
(2)You'llのくずれ you'llが「ヨ」のように聞こえる。 


A: Hey, where's the newspaper? I think it's late again.
B: Yesterday was a national holiday. Remember?
A: So that makes today a newspaper holiday.
B: That's right. I'm sure they've updated their website, though.

This is my GPS navigator. It's really handy for hiking. It tells you
exactly where you are. Well, almost exactly. It's accurate to within
a few meters.

Of course you have a right to express your political opinions.
Everyone has the right to free speech in our country. 
But rights come with responsibilities. Words have consequences.
And people are not required to agree with you, or to like you.
