

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 24

last-ditch a last-ditch attempt/effort etc a final attempt to achieve 
something before it is too late: 
The negotiators made a last-ditch effort to reach an agreement.

Lin Lougheed, 600 essential words for the TOEIC, 3rd ed., 2008.は,明日から,

いわゆるTOEFL ITP公式ガイドブック』Part 1, Part 2を完了。
Listeningのサンプル問題,A 1/4, B 3/4, C 3/4だった。Section A,相当練習しないとダメだな。



vim old-fashioned energy: Masamasa was full of vim and vigor.

willpower the ability to control your mind and body in order to achieve something
that you want to do: It took all his willpower to remain calm.

keep on trucking spoken used to encourage someone to continue what they are 
doing, especially in the 1970s

trick a way of doing something that works very well but may not be easy to 
notice: a salesman who knew all the tricks of the trade (=clever methods used in 
a particular job)

英語リスニング入門(2002年9月6日分Labor Day)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

Words and Expressions

Did you happen to ~ ひょっとして~しましたか?

stuff 内容
Stuff is an uncountable noun and has no plural form. 
Use a singular verb after it: Most of my stuff is still in caking cases.

come across sb/sth to meet, find, or discover someone or something by chance

I bet, I'll bet spoken used to say that you are fairly sure that something is true, 
something is happening etc, although you cannot prove this ;一度引いているはず

nevermind attention; heed; notice (usually used in negative constructions): 
Pay him no nevermind.(from Dictionary.com:the Random House Dictionary)

agonizing extremely painful

Sounds and Sound Changes

allの聞こえ方 allの[l]が直後のlaborの[l]と一緒になって,単独では聞こえない。くずれではない。
dullのくずれ 母音が「オ」に近く聞こえがちになる。
強調のdid アクセントを伴って発音される。
suspenseにおける[n][s]の組み合わせ 最後の[ns]のところに[nts]の響きが混じっている。


What are you doing, hurrying like that?

Don't talk on your cell phone while driving.

Seeing his face, she began to cry.

She kept silent, not knowing what to say.

Seen from the sky, this lake is beautiful.
