

Count Down TOEFL ITP 9 TOIEC SP 16 IP 17

misfire if a plan or joke misfires, it goes wrong and does not have
the result that you intended: I was worried that the plan might misfire.
TOEFL ITP用の学習,めんどくさくなってきた。丸腰系に切り替えて,TOEICのみにすべきか,

TOEFL ITPテスト学習スタートブック』Jリサーチ出版,2013年。

TOEFL TEST英単語スピードマスター』Jリサーチ出版,2006年。


Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, often 
regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. In recent years, 
most major retailers have opened extremely early and offered promotional sales 
to kick off the holiday shopping season, similar to Boxing Day sales in many 
Commonwealth Nations.   (from Wikipedia)

grab informal to get some food or sleep quickly because you are busy 
[syn] snatch: Hang on while I grab a cup of coffee.
snatch to quickly get something, especially sleep or rest, because you do not
have very much time : I managed to snatch an hour's sleep on the train.
grub [always + adv/prep] informal to look for something on the ground or just
under the ground, especially by moving things around: 
Jake got on the floor and grubbed about under the desk.

for the life of me at all; even one little bit. (Used with a negative.)
I can't for the life of me climb up a mountain.

Misery loves company!
Prov. Unhappy people like other people to be unhappy too.
I should probably feel bad because my sister is so depressed, but I'm 
pretty depressed myself. Misery loves company.


Are they compatible enough to get married?

compatible two people that are compatible are able to have a good relationship 
because they have similar opinions or interests 

My salary is enough to live on now.

live on sth to have a particular amount of money to buy food and other 
necessary things: I don't know how they manage to live on $77 a week.

That suitcase is too big to carry on.

The party was too formal to be any fun.

fun an experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting:
There's plenty of fun for all the family.

To be frank, this movie is a flop.

flop informal a film, play, product etc that is not successful [opp] hit:
The movie was a complete flop.


chapter 21 「150年前の事実」

A hundred and fifty years ago in Britain, life was very difficult if you were born 
disabled or became disabled because of an accident or an illness. Medicine then 
was underdeveloped, and there were a lot of children who caught various kinds of 
diseases and became paralyzed or blind.

paralyzed AmE unable to move part or all of your body or feel it:
The accident left him permanently paralyzed.

英語リスニング入門(2003年5月12日Homecoming Part3)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

dance, hoodが書き取れず。

Words and Expressions

make it to たどりつく
make it to succeed in getting somewhere in time for something or when this is 
difficult: [+to] With blood pouring from her leg, she made it to a nearby house.

may ... but ~ たしかに・・・かもしれないが,しかし~

Yuka may be young, but she is quite capable.

Sounds and Sound Changes

Step by Step
「ウ」に聞こえがちな音(1) [u]
Quiz 3/5

In Context
・can'tの聞こえ方 最後の[t]は聞こえないことが多いが,母音がくずれずにはっきり
・[n]+[s] [n][s]の音の連なりでは,その間に[t]が聞こえることが少なくない。
