

Count Down TOEFL ITP 11 TOIEC SP 18 IP 19

nerve-racking,nerve-wracking a nerve-racking situation makes you feel
very nervous or worried: Yuka faced a nerve-racking wait for her test results. 

薄っぺらいTOEFL ITP対策本を1冊やることにしました。今回は一番新しいということで
Jリサーチ出版の『TOEFL ITPテスト学習スタートブック』を禁を破って,買ってきました。

イメージ 1

TOEFL TEST英単語スピードマスター』Jリサーチ出版,2006年。


it/money doesn't grow on trees spoken used to say that you should not waste

tighten your belt informal to try spend less money than you used to:
Businesses were tightening their belt and cutting jobs.

max sth <-> out AmE informal to use something such as money or supplies
so that there is none left: I maxed out my Visa.


A: Is it hot in here?
B: I don't know. Look at the thermometer.
A: You don't feel whether you feel hot or not?
B: It's comfortable. Just comfortable.

A: How did your meeting go today?
B: Great. We accomplished a lot.
A: Really? I could hear a lot of yelling in there.
B: Sure. It was a spirited, producitive debate.

spirited having energy and determination - used to show approval:
spirited defence/debate/discussion etc
defence something that you say or do in order to support someone or
something that is being criticized
Brown UniversityPh,D.の口頭試問が確かdefense(defence)と呼ばれていた気がする。

A: Have you had enough to eat?
B: Oh, yes. It was a great meal.
A: Are you sure you don't want any more?
B: Yes. I couldn't eat another bite.

a bite (to eat) informal a small meal: We had a bite to eat and a couple of drinks 
before the flight. 


chapter 19 「学習の最終目標とは?」

The goal of studying is not to possess knowledge as a man possesses the coins 
in his purse, but to make knowledge a part of ourselves, that is, to turn the 
knowledge into thought as the food we eat is turned into the life-giving and 
nerve-nourishing blood.

James Bryce, University and Historical Addresses, end->goalになっている。 

英語リスニング入門(2003年5月7日Homecoming Part1)

errand a short journey in order to do something for someone, for example
delivering something for them

Listen and Fill In the Blanks


Words and Expressions
any minute [time, etc.] now すぐに,間もなく

(at) any minute (now) used to say that something will or may happen 
extremely soon

It looks like ... ・・・のようだ,・・・らしい

Sounds and Sound Changes
Step by Step
「イ」に聞こえがちな音(1) [i]
Quiz 2/3
In Context
・and + thのくずれ
This is a book about the Japanese people and their customs.
