

Count Down TOEFL ITP 10 TOIEC SP 17 IP 18

stagger also stagger on to continue doing something when you seem to be
going to fail and you do not know what will happen

TOEFL ITPテスト学習スタートブック』Jリサーチ出版,2013年。

TOEFL TEST英単語スピードマスター』Jリサーチ出版,2006年。



suction the process of removing air or liquid from an enclosed space so that 
another substance is sucked in, or so that two surfaces stick together: 
My vacuum cleaner has very good suction.
suck to pull someone or something with great power and force into or out of 
a particular place: suck sth into sth 
A bird was sucked into one of the jet's engines.


A: I'm going to the convenience store.
B: Aren't you going to need your wallet? It's there on the table.
A: No. I've got my cellphone. It has e-money in it.
B: My, times certainly are changing, aren't they?

my used when you are surprised, impressed, or upset: 
My! Look at the size of that tree!

Here's a new book recommendation for you. It's a biography of 
a little-known high school football coach. He led a simple life, 
but his story is really inspiring.

lead if you lead a particular kind of life, that is what your life is like:
lead a normal/quiet/busy etc life If the operation succeeds, Yuka will be able
to lead a normal life.

The dog show will bi on TV in a few minutes. You ought to want it 
once in a while. It's a lot of fun. The dog who win prizes are always 
beautiful, and seem happy. I wonder, though, if the dog who lose know 
that they lost.


chapter 20アメリカのもうひとつの宗教」

Sometimes education is called America's religion. One-half of all the people
in the country between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five supposedly go to
either a college or university; all boys and girls up to the age of sixteen
all are required to go to school. Education is an expensive part of American life.

英語リスニング入門(2003年5月9日Homecoming Part2)

grease sb's palm to give someone money in a secret or dishonest way in order 
to persuade them to do something: Joseph was able to grease a few palms, 
thus helping his brother to escape. 

assassinate to murder an important person

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

these, heが書き取れず。重症ですわ。

Words and Expressions

ever いったい
(whose, which以外の)疑問詞を強調するever

deserve... ・・・の価値がある

Sounds and Sound Changes

Step by Step
「イ」に聞こえがちな音(1) [i]と(2)[i:]
Quiz 3/3

In Context
