

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 8

dubious probably not honest, true, right etc:
The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.
Many critics regard its argument as dubious or, at the best, misleading.

イメージ 1
ゴールド模試は,Test 5が抜けているらしい。Junさん形式でやれば,1日で終わるわけだけど。。。
白眉はPart 7らしいのだが,最近手抜きで,模試はPart 1-Part 6ばかりだから,ありがたみはあまりないかも?


Training Set 7から始めようとしたけど,Training Set 1からやらないと,きちんと
結構面倒くさい。(最初,よくわからなかったんだよね。) Test 3 4/6
Training Set 7/8を終えたかったけど,Training Set 7のみ。speakingショボすぎる。

韓流公式実戦3(Part 1-Part 6)

Listening 91/100 (10/10, 23/30, 29/30, 29/30) 

Reading  46/52 (35/40, 11/12)


Sit down straight, would you?
Your posture is terrible.
Also, do you have to chew gum all the time?

chew to bite something continuously in order to taste it or
because you are nervous: chew gum/tobacco

This movie was made for TV.
But the story is excellent and the acting is superb.
I think it's good enough to show in theaters.

show to make a film or television program available on a screen
for people to see, or to be on a screen:
The film was shown on television last night.
The match was shown live (=could be seen on television while it was being played).
