


Countdown 第194回TOEIC 5 TOEFL ITP 4

strive to make a great effort to achieve something: strive to do sth I was still striving to be successful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英検1級一次試験の合格点,80点でした。 Hwangくんから,返事…

Countdown 第194回TOEIC 6 TOEFL ITP 5

rush to do sth to do something very quickly and without delay: I rushed to pack my suitcase before she came back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ETSで購入したOfficial Guide to the TOEFL ITP TESTが届…

第193回 TOEIC スコア Bクラス落ち寸前。。。orz

昨年の7月の100点落ちの825ほどではないものの,900点割れですわ。 感触通り,リスニングが全然ダメでした。前回の490が出来過ぎとはいえ,70点ダウン。 また,はやい時は今ひとつというリーディングも予想通りでした。こちらは前回よりは1…

Countdown 第194回TOEIC 7 TOEFL ITP 6

omit to not include someone or something, either deliberately or because you forget to do it [syn] leave out: Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem. -------------------------------------------------------------…

Countdown 第194回TOEIC 8 TOEFL ITP 7

grove a piece of land with trees growing on it:[+of] a small grove of beech trees ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 早稲田祭のイベント「増田有華のオープンキャンパス♪」の抽選,あたりました。 TOEFL ITP対…

Countdown 第194回TOEIC 9 TOEFL ITP 8

obscure not well known and usually not very important: The details of her life remain obscure. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は都内の研究所で,報告書の原稿の打ち合わせがあるのですが,打ち合わせ…

Countdown 第194回TOEIC 10 TOEFL ITP 9

short story a short written story about imaginary situations and characters: a short story by by Balzac called Sarrasine ;恥ずかしながら,以前,short storyを単に短い話(Non-Fictionを含む)と思っていて, ある模試の問題を誤答したことがありま…

Countdown 第194回TOEIC 11 TOEFL ITP 10

weather to come through a very difficult situation safely: Northern Ireland weathered the recession better than any other region in the UK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は寒かったですわ。録画…

Countdown 第194回TOEIC 12 TOEFL ITP 11

void a situation in which something important or interesting is needed or wanted, but does not exist: The amusement park will fill a void in this town, which has little entertainment for children. ------------------------------------------…

Countdown 第194回TOEIC 13 TOEFL ITP 12

stretch (sb's) patience/credulity to be almost beyond the limits of what someone can accept or believe: The kids stretch my patience to the limit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さんの早稲田…

2014年度第2回英検1級 自己採点

前回も書きましたが,準1級から出直せというデキですわ。 昨日書くのを忘れましたが,二次試験希望地は広島を選びました。 11都市で開催されていて,過去に,たしか?,東京,那覇,札幌,仙台と選んできたので, 残りは6都市です。都市が一巡する前に,こ…

2014年度第2回英検1級 試験当日

bracing bracing air or weather is cold and makes you feel very awake and healthy: a bracing sea breeze ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英検を受験なされた皆様,お疲れ様でした。 できないなりに,ベスト…

2014年度第2回英検1級 試験前日

scuttle AmE to ruin or end someone's plans or chance of being successful [syn] scupper BrE : The incident threatens to scuttle the peace process. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 受験前だけど反省会開…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 2

cut and run informal to avoid a difficult situation by leaving suddenly: Although the company has faced financial difficulties, they do not intend to cut and run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 台風…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 3

stifling a situation that is stifling stops you from developing you own ideas and character: an emotionally stifling relationship ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEFL ITPの受験票が届きました。 ドク…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 4

bring sth <-> off to succeed in doing something difficult [syn] pull off: They managed to bring off the most daring jewelry robbery in history. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- テニスの上海マスターズ1…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 5

accept to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do [opp] refuse STUDY NOTE Common Error accept to do sth agree to do sth The company agreed to pay them compensation. ------------------…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 6

square up to sb/sth to deal with a difficult situation or person in a determined way ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨晩は無事,チェルシーvsアーセナル戦を観戦できました。アーセナル,負けちゃったけど…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 7

hasty done in a hurry, especially with bad results [syn] hurriedly: Yuka soon regretted her hasty decision. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- また寝違えました。今度は反対側(左)。ストレッチで,首が回ら…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 8

coward someone who is not at all brave: Try it. Don't be such a coward. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- アバターが来年3月で終了するお詫びのボーナスゴールドを使って,少しだけ,女性のアバターを 華やか…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 9

canonical technical in the simplest mathematical form ----------------------------------------------------------------------- アジア大会の男子バレー,残念ながら,イランに負けてしまいました。 女子の日本代表は,ほとんど速攻を繰り出せないので…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 10

rally to become stronger again after a period of weakness or defeat [syn] recover: The Tokyo stock market rallied later in the day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 世界バレー,クロアチアにも逆転負け…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 11

crick to hurt back or neck by bending or moving in a way that makes the muscles become stiff: I cricked my back bending to pick up the suitcase. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 寝違えてしまったのです…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 12

esoteric known and understand by only a few people who have special knowledge about something:the esoteric world of supercomputing ----------------------------------------------------------------------- テニスの楽天ジャパンオープン,シード…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 13

turn over a new leaf to change the way you behave and become a better person: I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hwangさんと連絡をとったところ,受験…

第193回 TOEIC 試験当日

withstand to be strong enough to remain unharmed by something such as great heat, cold, pressure etc [syn] resist, stand up to: This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures. --------------------------------------------------------…

第193回 TOEIC 試験前日

plight a very bad situation that someone is in: the country's economic plight ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん公式ファンクラブ,masu maniの会員更新のギフトは, 増田有華直筆「お名前&増田…


palliative something done to make a bad situation seem better, but which does not solve the problem: short-term economic palliatives ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 世界バレー,ROUND 2以降は時間的に…


convalesce to spend time getting well after an illness [syn] recover ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 体温は高くないのに,汗は出るし,悪寒はするということで,休養モード。 TOEIC対策 休みます。 Enjoy Si…


hydra a problem that is very difficult to get rid of because it keeps returning ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DIVAのDiscovery,mu-mo劇場盤(増田色)の購入手続きを終了しました。 5枚のうち4枚は資源の…