

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 4

knacker BrE spoken informal to become extremely tired [syn] exhaust
knacker yourself (out) Slow down - you'll knacker yourself out!

英語リスニング入門(2002年8月26日分August Personalities)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

it, you are goingが書き取れず。

Words and Expressions

If I were in your shoes, ~
in sb's shoes in someone's situation, especially a bad one

look at ~ to study and think about something, especially in order to decide 
what to do: We need to look very carefully at ways of improving our efficiency.

august impressive and respected

splendid old-fashioned very good [syn] excellent

dignified behaving in a calm and serious way, even in a difficult situation,
which makes people respect you: a digniffied old lady

Sounds and Sound Change

I wouldのくずれ くずれ方が半端なこともある。
...that means you are going ...のくずれ‘you are going to’「ジャガナ」に近い響き。


I've never heard him tell a lie.

hear to know that a sound is being made, using your ears
hear sb do sth She heard Issa go upstairs.

I saw them walking arm in arm.

see to notice or examine someone or something, using your eyes
see sb/sth doing sth The suspect was seeing entering the building.

To listen to her sing, you'd think she was a pro.

I just watched her dancing on the stage.

watch to look at someone or something for a period of time, paying attention 
to what is happening:
watch sb/sth do/doing sth Yuka could not bear to watch her parents arguing.

I felt my knees shaking.
