

Y's Birthday COUNTDOWN 3

resumption the act of starting an activity again after stopping or
being interrupted: [+of] Both countries are now hoping for a quick 
resumption of diplomatic relations.

英語リスニング入門(2002年8月9日分August Occasions)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks


Words and Expressions

You didn't tell me ~ 「知らなかった,感心した」というニュアンス

Speaking of ~ いま述べられた事柄を新しい話題へのつなぎに使う表現

behave yourself to not do things that annoy or offend people:
[opp] misbehave

impossible behaving in a very unreasonable and annoying way

put your foot in your mouth especiall AmE
to say something without thinking carefully, so that you embarrass or
upset someone 

clown around/about to behave in a silly or funny way 

folks especially AmE your parents and family

big ideas 
big [only before noun] informal used to emphasize how bad something is

Sounds and Sound Changes

got hereのくずれ ‘here’の[h]が脱落している。「ガリア」に近く聞こえる。
will youのくずれ ‘will’の[l]は聞こえない。[l]の後の[j]の影響。
発言を強めるイントネーション アクセントのある部分が低く発音される。
can'tのくずれ ‘can't’の[t]が聞こえないために否定の縮約形か判断できない。


A: Hey, you look like you're in pain.
B: I am! Oww ... oww ... ouch ... There. Now it's getting better.
A: What on earth is the matter with you?
B: It's this ice cream. I tried to eat it too fast. You know,
“brain freeze”?

An ice-cream headache, also known as brain freeze, cold-stimulus headache,
is a form of brief cranial pain or headache commonly associated with consumption 
(particularly quick consumption) of cold beverages or foods such as ice cream and ice pops.
(from Wikipedia

My favorite comedian just put out a new album.
I shouldn't have listened to it on the train.
The more I tried not to laugh, the more the laughter forced its way out.

put sth <-> out to put things where people can find and use them

force your way through/into etc sth also 
force your way in/out/past etc 
to push very hard in order to get somewhere

実践ビジネス英語(2013年4月19日分Accent Reducton Training)


burgeon to grow or develop quickly

look into sth to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime etc
in order to solve it: [syn] investigate 

clear and intelligible
clear expressed in a simple and direct way so that people understand
intelligible if speech, writing, or an idea is intelligible, it can be easily understand
[opp] unintelligible

I want to make my English is clear and intelligible.

negative a statement or expression that means‘no’
answer/reply in the negative (=say‘no’)

self-conscious worried ana embarrassed about what you look like or
what other people think of you:
[+about] Dave's pretty self-conscious about his weight.

be (deeply/greatly) indebted to sb
to be very grateful to someone for the help they have given you:
We are deeply indebted to Mr. Kanzaki.

lifelong mistake
lifelong [only before noun] continuing or existing all through your life:
Tommy finally realized his lifelong ambition.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.”by Oscar Wild

for fear (that), for fear of sth because you are worried that you will
make something happen

gripping a gripping film, story etc is very exciting and interesting

grasping too eager to get money and unwilling to give any of it away
or spend it;過去に引いた気がする

pathetic something or someone that is pathetic is so useless, unsuccessful, 
or weak that they annoy you 
