

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 5

wither if plants wither, they become drier and smaller and start to die



Part 1 2/2  Part 2 6/6  Part 3 4/6  Part 4 5/6  Total 17/20

Part 5 4/8  Part 6 4/4  Part 7 12/12  Total 20/24

Part 5を派手に間違えました。そろそろまじめにTOEIC系もやらないとね。罰ゲーム必死必至だし。

mesmerize [usually in passive] if you are mesmerized by someone or something, 
you cannot stop watching them or listening to them because they are so 
attractive or have such a powerful effect [syn] captivate
The first time I saw Yuka I was mesmerized by her beauty.

captivate to attract someone very much, and hold their attention:
be captivated by sb/sth He was captivated by her beauty. 

英語リスニング入門(2002年8月28日分August Personalities)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

white, Martinしか聞き取れず。

Words and Expressions

I begin to see what you mean. 

begin to start doing something: 
begin to do sth She began to feel a sense of panic.

one used to mean someone or something of a type that has already been
mentioned or is known about: oneが何を指すのか,しっかり把握する。

admiral a high rank in the British or US navy, or someone with this rank

start over AmE to start doing something again from the beginning, especially
because you want to do it better:
If you make a mistake, just erase it and start over.

be all ears informal to be very keen to hear what someone is going to tell you:
As soon as I mentioned money, Yuka was all ears.

imperialism a political system in which one country rules a lot of other countries

run out to use all of something and not have any more left:
[+of] They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.

Sounds and Sound Change

an explorer, an admiralなどの聞こえかた‘an’の次に母音で始まる単語がくると,
nと母音が一続きには発音されることが多い。nexplorer, nadimiralと聞こえてしまう。
themのくずれ (既習)
white [wait]と発音されていた。wh-で始まる単語は,wh-が[w]で発音される場合がある。
written, Martin 最後の部分がくずれる。


That actress is very telegenic.

telegenic someone who is telegenic looks nice on television

Look! It's a news flash.

newsflash especially BrE a very short news programme on radio or television,
broadcast suddenly in the middle of another programme when something very
important has happened [syn] news bulletin AmE:
We interrupt this programme to bring you a newsflash. 

The TV reception isn't any good these days.

The picture of this TV is flickering.

Stop fighting over which channel to watch.

fight to argue about something:
[+about/over] They're fighting about who should do the dishes.

I used to watch late-night TV shows.

late-night [only before noun] happening late at night: late-night shopping

Don't sit so close to the TV!
