



disgrace If you say that someone is in disgrace, you are emphasizing that other people disapprove of them and do not respect them because of something that they have done. His vice president also had to resign in disgrace. ----------------…

Countdown TOEFL ITP 2

upset [not before noun] unhappy and worried because something bad or disappointing has happened: It's OK. Don't get upset. +about/over She was really upset about the accident. upset that Marcy was upset that she wasn't invited. -----------…

Countdown TOEFL ITP 3

woozy informal feeling weak and unsteady [syn] dizzy: When I stood up, I felt a little woozy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEFL ITPテスト,全然できる感じではありません。orz もはや心はTOEIC L&Rテストにあ…

Countdown TOEFL ITP 4

alter [I,T] to change, or to make someone or something change [syn] change: Her face hadn't altered much over the years. radically/significantly/fundamentally alter sth Having children has dramatically altered our lives. The discovery alte…

Countdown TOEFL ITP 5

inanimate not living [opp] alive ---------------------------------------------------------------- 録画してあったATPテニスのフェデラーvsズベレフ戦は期待していたような構成での 放送ではなく,正直がっかりしました。それでも,フェデラー選手の芝…

Countdown TOEFL ITP 6

forced caused by necessity The plane had engine problems and had to make a forced landing in a field. [=the plane was forced to land in a field] ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC帰宅後,千葉テレビの浅草…

第221回TOEIC L&R公開テスト試験当日

basic forming or relating to the first or easiest part of something We're learning basic [=beginning] English. She lacks even the most basic skills necessary for the job. basic reading, writing, and mathematics ----------------------------…


おかしなところもある気がします。 Listening Part 1 1 A checking his phone 2 B drawer has been 3 C drawer has been ; 4 D pedestrians are crossing 5 A woman is leaning 6 C buildings are located Part 2 7 B the fifth floor 8 C Several years ago…


organic happening or developing in a slow and natural way The company has gone through a period of steady organic growth in recent years. go through to experience (something) He's going through a painful divorce. I understand what you're g…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 2 TOEFL ITP 8

mourn to feel or show great sadness because someone has died [no obj] When he dies, people throughout the world will mourn.[=grieve] - often + for Thousands mourned for him. [+ obj] She is still mourning her husband, who died last year. Th…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 3 TOEFL ITP 9

orgasmic very exciting or enjoyable White-water rafting was an orgasmic experience. ---------------------------------------------------------------- BS朝日で錦織圭選手の試合を観戦しようとテレビのスイッチを入れて, チャンネルを合わせたとこ…


本日,届きました。 ReadingとWritingが辛うじて,受験者平均を上回っていましたが, Listeningは目も当てられない状況ですわ。 リスニングはずるずると根本的な対策を打たないまま,英語学習とは 言えない状況にあり,8月のTOEIC S&Wテスト受験後に,本格…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 4 TOEFL ITP 10

fatal causing ruin or failure a fatal weakness She made a fatal mistake/error. The plan contained a fatal flaw. [=a flaw that would cause it to fail] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 朝気分が悪く,ギリギリま…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 5 TOEFL ITP 11

ominous suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future He spoke in ominous tones. an ominous threat of war ---------------------------------------------------------------- スポナビで無料で視聴できるので,錦織圭選手の試合を…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 6 TOEFL ITP 12

careless done, made, or said without enough thought or attention It was a careless mistake. I made a careless [=rude, thoughtless] remark. a newspaper known for careless reporting -----------------------------------------------------------…


1月よりも正解数も少なく,英作文の出来は最悪だったので, スコアも大幅にダウンしております。 にゃもし

Countdown TOEIC L&R 7 TOEFL ITP 13

resuscitate [+ obj] to bring (someone who is unconscious, not breathing, or close to death) back to a conscious or active state again The patient stopped breathing but doctors were able to resuscitate him. - often used figuratively He is t…

第220回TOEIC L&R公式認定証届きました

昨日届きました。 超マイナーフォームのようなので,自分のデータと過去の傾向から,大胆に 推測してみました。採点除外の問題がないとの前提ですわ。 リスニング L1 16問(-4) L2 20-22問(-1) L3 15問(0) L4 47-49問(-2) L5 15問(-2) PAR…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 8 TOEFL ITP 14

abrogate to fail to do what is required by (something, such as a responsibility) The company's directors are accused of abrogating their responsibilities. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 午後1時から会合で…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 9 TOEFL ITP 15

inattention failure to carefully think about, listen to, or watch someone or something : lack of attention Many traffic accidents are the result of driver inattention. They lost several potential clients through their inattention to detail.…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 10 TOEFL ITP 15

appreciate [+obj] to understand the worth or importance of (something or someone) : to admire and value (something or someone) The company strives to make its employees feel appreciated. Living in the city has taught me to appreciate the d…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 11 TOEFL ITP 16

prologue [count] an introduction to a book, play, etc. a brief, one-page prologue the prologue to his autobiography - often used figuratively events that were a prologue to war [=events that came before and led to war] --------------------…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 12 TOEFL ITP 17

mediocre not very good The dinner was delicious, but the dessert was mediocre. The carpenter did a mediocre job. The critics dismissed his as a mediocre actor. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7月のTOEIC L&…

第220回TOEIC L&Rスコア発表

完全に24時間遅れでしたが,スコア確認いたしました。 昨年の7月以来10ヶ月ぶりの900点台でした。 しかし,リーディングが450超えるのが難しくなってしまいました。orz 旧形式のときは,リーディングで450点超えるのは普通の出来事だったのですが。。。orz 6…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 13 TOEFL ITP 19

skewed not true or accurate The ratio seems skewed. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 朝勉なし,残業で,NHKラジオ講座のみですわ。orz TOEFL ITP対策 休みます。 TOEIC L&R対策 休みます。 NHKラジオ講座 Enjoy Simpl…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 14 TOEFL ITP 20

frenzy [count] great and often wild or uncontrolled activity ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日は母の三回忌の法要があり,調子に乗って,飲みすぎてしまい, 悪酔いしております。orz TOEFL ITP対策 神部孝著『TO…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 15 TOEFL ITP 21

back [+ obj] to give help to (someone) : support I'm backing him (against the Establishment) in his struggle for reform. I'm backing him for President. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日は全仏オープンテニ…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 16 TOEFL ITP 22

wound an injury that is caused when knife, bullet, etc., cuts or breaks the skin a gunshot/bullet wound She suffered/received a knife/stab wound to/in her thigh. thigh the part of your leg that is above the knee ---------------------------…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 17 TOEFL ITP 23

reflection [noncount] careful thinking about something She had no time for reflection. On/Upon reflection [=after thinking about it], I decided to accept their offer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 全仏オ…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 18 TOEFL ITP 24

slow-witted slow to learn or understand things a slow-witted child - opposite quick-witted ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC L&R IPテストの申込みをしてきました。 全仏オープンテニス,錦織選手,チリッチ選…