

Countdown TOEIC L&R 9 TOEFL ITP 15

inattention failure to carefully think about, listen to, or
watch someone or something : lack of attention
Many traffic accidents are the result of driver inattention.
They lost several potential clients through their inattention to detail.


定期購読,さぼりまくっていますが,Bloomberg Businessweekのアプリが


泉忠司監修『英単語4000受験英語からのTOEFL TEST』Z会,2007年。

Chapter 1 受験英語からの必須語!




TEX加藤著TOEICテストPart 5できる人,できない人の頭の中』アルク,2013年。

Enjoy Simple English

Rampo in English The Man with Twenty Faces Episode Ten

selfish disapproving : having or showing concern only for yourself and not
for the needs or feeling of other people  
selfish behavior/motives a selfish man
She's interested only in her own selfish concerns.
I wish he'd spend less time with his friends and more time with me. 
Am I being selfish?

self-centered disapproving : too interested in yourself and not caring about 
the needs or feelings of other people : selfish
I think he's a self-centered and opinionated jerk.
opinionated often disapproving : expressing strong beliefs or judgments 
about something : having or showing strong opinions  
an articulate and opinionated critic
People don't expect such opinionated commentary in what is supposed 
to be a news article.
jerk informal : a stupid person or a person who is not well-liked or who treats
other people badly
That jerk can't do anything right.
Most of the kids are nice, but some are jerks.

self-important disapproving : having too high an opinion of your own importance
a self-important businessman 

self-satisfied usually disapproving : feeling or showing self-satisfaction
a self-satisfied young woman  a self-satisfied smirk
smirk verb [no obj] to smile in an unpleasant way because you are pleased 
with yourself, glad about someone else's trouble, etc.
She tried not to smirk when they announced the winner.
- often + at She smirked at the thought of how this would hurt him.
noun [count] He had a big smirk on his face when he told me the news.
