


Countdown TOEIC L&R 19 TOEFL ITP 25

spur to encourage (someone) to do or achieve something The reward spurred them to work harder. - often + on His encouragement spurred them on to finish the project. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 全仏オー…


自己ワーストぐらいの感じだったので,結果は分かっていたものの, 気を取り直して,採点しました。 大問1 13/25 (10/21, 3/4) 今回は句動詞を除くと勘マークで1問も取れず。orz 大問2 4/6 (2/3, 2/3) 大問3 7/10 (2/3, 1/3, 4/4) 選択肢の英文の作り込…

Countdown TOEIC L&R 20 TOEFL ITP 26

relish [+obj] to enjoy or take pleasure in (something) I relish traveling to new places. I don't relish the idea/prospect/thought of working late tonight. He relishes the chance/opportunity to compete again. -------------------------------…


abortive failing to achieve the desired result : not successful He made several abortive [=aborted] attempts to escape. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日は興奮状態ですぐに寝付けなくて,午前1時過ぎになり…


chuck to give up (something) He decided to chuck [=abandon,leave] his career/job. - often + in He grew tired of his job and decided to just chuck it (all) in . [=quit, five it up] -----------------------------------------------------------…


edgy nervous and tense Too much coffee makes me edgy. Why are you so edgy? People are starting to get edgy [=on edge] about rising prices. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん,フットサルリーグで,…


brittle easily broken or cracked brittle glass brittle bones ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日,午前4時半に目が覚めるとめちゃくちゃ腰が痛く,湿布をして, ギリギリまで,寝ていました。 試合を見ていないので…