


Countdown TOEFL ITP 6

forced caused by necessity The plane had engine problems and had to make a forced landing in a field. [=the plane was forced to land in a field] ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC帰宅後,千葉テレビの浅草…

第221回TOEIC L&R公開テスト試験当日

basic forming or relating to the first or easiest part of something We're learning basic [=beginning] English. She lacks even the most basic skills necessary for the job. basic reading, writing, and mathematics ----------------------------…


おかしなところもある気がします。 Listening Part 1 1 A checking his phone 2 B drawer has been 3 C drawer has been ; 4 D pedestrians are crossing 5 A woman is leaning 6 C buildings are located Part 2 7 B the fifth floor 8 C Several years ago…