


第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 12

novice [C] someone who has only begun learning a skill or activity [syn] beginner: The computer program is easy for even a novice to master. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 夜は午後10時過ぎに飯田橋の松屋で…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 13

refocus to cause (something, such as attention) to be directed at something different [+obj] She refocused her energies toward a career in music. He needs to refocus his attention on his schoolwork. [no obj] Sports are not a priority now. …

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 14

fateful having an important, usually bad, effect on future events: that fateful day when President Kennedy was killed ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は英検1級2次試験A日程でしたね。受験者の皆様,おつ…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 15

glory [U] the importance, praise, and honor that people give someone they admire: At 19 he won glory as an Olympic champion. The team finished the season in a blaze of glory (=thy did very well, and people praised them). ------------------…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 16

decisive an action, event etc. that is decisive has a big effect on the way a situation develops ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は暖かかったですね。今年の冬が暖冬だと嬉しいのですが。。。 ATP1000 Paris…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 17

trying annoying or difficult in a way that makes you feel tired, impatient etc.: My mother's illness has been very trying for us. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11月2日は「死者の日」なんですね。アステカの…

Collins English Readersまとめ買い

御茶ノ水の丸善に寄ったら,洋書のバーゲンセールが行なわれており,迷いながらも, Collins English ReadersのThe Amazing People Readers Seriesのものを 買ってきました。MP3の音声ファイルが入っているCD付きで,540円ですわ。 Level 1(CEFR A2)1冊…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 18

graffiti [U] writing and pictures illegally drawn on the walls of buildings, trains, etc.: There was racist graffiti on the walls. [Origin: 1800-1900 Italian graffiare to make marks in a surface] -------------------------------------------…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 19

clip [T] to slightly reduce an amount, quantity etc.: clip sth off/from sth Lewis clipped a second off the world record. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ハロウィン,日本独特の盛り上がり方も風物詩となりつつ…

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 20

decal [C] a piece of paper with a pattern or picture on it that you stick onto another surface ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はATP500 Baselの決勝,フェデラー選手の負けパターンになってしまったかなあと …

第225回TOEIC L&R公開試験 Countdown 21

alternative [C] something that you can choose to do or use instead of something else: Which alternatives are likely to reduce traffic? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はATP500 Baselの決勝,フェデラーvs…


monumental [only before noun] extremely large, bad, good, impressive etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はプレミアリーグのサッカー観戦ととATP500バーゼルのテニス観戦を ちゃんぽんで行います。宇多丸師匠…


久しぶりに,5chのセレン師匠のスレッドを見ていたら,ムック本が話題になっていました。 実は先日,このムック本を立ち読みして,OJiM監督老けたなあ,赤いちゃんちゃんこが 似合う歳と言ってもいいくらいだなあとか,英検の扱いがあんまりだあ,植田一三大…


今年受けた英検1級1次試験の結果のまとめですわ。 1月がいちばんよかったわけで。。。orz リスニング力なさすぎですね。TOEICでも旧形式で,495点1回490点1回しか とったことないので,こんなもんなんですが,リーディングとライティングで補う限…

Blade Runner 2049公開日

melee [usual singular] a situation in which people rush around in a confused way, and often fight [syn] fracas: No one was hurt in the melee. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 『ブレードランナー2049』を見に行…

Blade Runner 2049公開日前日

bustle [I always + adv./prep] to move around quickly, looking very busy: +around/through etc. Grandma bustled around the kitchen. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日は午後9時帰宅後,悪寒がしたので,念のた…

Blade Runner 2049公開まであと3日

sham [C] [usually singular] something or someone that deceives people by seeming good, real, or true when it is not true: The election was a sham. Do we want our justice system to just be a sham? -------------------------------------------…


昨日が発表日であることをすっかり忘れていました。 三技能を680点ずつだと2040点なので,それを基準に,リーディングとライティングで貯金して, リスニングを補うというスコアメイキング方針は間違っていないわけですが。。。 努力不足から生まれた力不足…

Blade Runner 2049公開まであと4日

shakeup [C] a process in which an organization makes a lot of big changes in a short time to improve its effectiveness ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨晩のエバートンvsアーセナル戦,ルーニー弾で先制されま…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験試験当日

screw up to make a bad mistake or do something very stupid [syn] mess up: If you screw up again, you're fired! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨晩はアーセナルファンの悲しい性,マンチェスター・ユナイテッド…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験試験前日

anxiety [C,U] the feeling of being very worried about something that may happen or may have happened, so that you think about it all the time: +about/over People's anxiety about the economy is increasing. ----------------------------------…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験試験前々日

fulfill [T] to achieve a goal, wish, or aim: The couple fulfilled their dream of getting married in Tahiti. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 本日は原稿を無事提出し,午後3時からの打ち合わせも問題なく終わりま…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験 Countdown 3

mop sth <-> up to remove or deal with something which you think is undesirable or dangerous, so that it is no longer a problem: The firefighters mopped up the few hot spots left from Saturday's brush fire. ---------------------------------…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験 Countdown 4

cul-de-sac [C] a situation in which you cannot make any more progress ---------------------------------------------------------------- 久しぶりのお天気。移動中に少しだけTOEIC教材をやりました。 10月20日(金)締切の原稿があるのですが,その日に…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験 Countdown 5

pine for sb/sth to miss or want someone or something that you cannot have very much, especially so that you feel sick or unhappy: Les is still pining for home. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 10月に入ってか…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験 Countdown 6

unseasonably unseasonably warm/cold/dry etc. unusually warm, cold etc. for the time of year ---------------------------------------------------------------- 冬の寒さにびっくりしました。 急いで書類をつくらなくてはならない羽目になっており,…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験 Countdown 7

symptom [C] a physical condition which shows that you have a particular illness: cold symptoms +of Common symptoms of diabetes are weight loss and fatigue. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日は10数年ぶりで…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験 Countdown 9

convalesce [I] to spend time getting well after an illness or operation [syn] recuperate: He will need about a week to convalesce after the operation. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATP1000上海,フェデラー…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験 Countdown 10

stingy not generous, especially with money, when you can easily afford to [opp] generous: He's too stingy to give money to charity. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 風邪でダウンしていました。喉が痛く,咳がひ…

第224回TOEIC L&R試験 Countdown 11

scramble [I,T] to struggle to get or reach something, or compete with other people to do this: +for People were scrambling for the seats in the front row. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATP1000上海,フェデ…