stand by someone
to support someone;
to continue supporting someone even when things are bad
Don't worry. I'll stand by you no matter what.
I feel as though I have to stand by my brother even if he
goes to jail.
stand with someone
to unite with someone, as in defense
Don't worry. I'll stand with you to the end.
He stood with her and they faced the threat together.
(from McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)
Why Do We Indulge? Exploring Motivations for Binge Watching
by Yoon Hi Sung, Eun Yeon Kang & Wei-Na Lee
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Volume 62, Issue 3, July 2018, pp.408-426
This study explored an expanded definition and motivations for binge-watching behavior.
In addition to the number of episodes, the amount of time, frequency, and engagement
in binge-watched programs were considered for the binge-watching definition.
Study findings revealed that over half of the respondents of this study were
light binge viewers. In addition, among a total of seven motivations identified in literature,
only the entertainment motivation is a significant predictor of binge watching for those with
a low level of binge watching, while both passing time and entertainment were found
to be significant predictors for those with a high level of binge watching.
Toward a qualitative understanding of binge-watching
behaviors: A focus group approach
by Flayelle M., Maurage P., Billieux J.
Journal of behavioral addictions, Volume 6, Issue 4, December 2017, pp.457-471
Background and aims
Binge-watching (i.e., seeing multiple episodes of the same TV series in a row)
now constitutes a widespread phenomenon. However, little is known about the psychological factors
underlying this behavior, as reflected by the paucity of available studies, most merely focusing
on its potential harmfulness by applying the classic criteria used for other addictive disorders
without exploring the uniqueness of binge-watching. This study thus aimed to take the opposite approach
as a first step toward a genuine understanding of binge-watching behaviors through a qualitative analysis
of the phenomenological characteristics of TV series watching.
A focus group of regular TV series viewers (N=7) was established to explore a wide range of
aspects related to TV series watching (e.g., motives, viewing practices, and related behaviors).
Results A content analysis identified binge-watching features across three dimensions:
TV series watching motivations, TV series watching engagement, and structural characteristics of TV shows.
Most participants acknowledged that TV series watching can become addictive, but they all agreed
having trouble recognizing themselves as truly being an "addict." Although obvious connections
could be established with substance addiction criteria and symptoms, such parallelism appeared
to be insufficient, as several distinctive facets emerged (e.g., positive view, transient
overinvolvement, context dependency, and low everyday life impact).
Discussion and conclusion The research should go beyond the classic biomedical
and psychological models of addictive behaviors to account for binge-watching in order to
explore its specificities and generate the first steps toward an adequate theoretical rationale
for these emerging problematic behaviors.
Lesson 5 Diversity in the Workplace 3
TIME April 29/May 6, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg Consequential connector by Sean Parker
Good night!