

TOEIC Countdown IP 11 SP 12

be resigned to (doing) sth to calmy accept a situation that is bad,
but cannot be changed:
Yuka's resigned to spending Christmas on her own.



英語リスニング入門 (January 10, 2005)

French Polynesia Part 1

atoll a coral island in the shape of a ring

coral a hard red, white, or pink substance formed from the bones of very
small sea creatures, which is often used to make jewellry

rub shoulders with sb informal also rub elbows with sb AmE
to meet and spend time with people, especially ruch and famous people:
As a reporter he gets to rub shoulders with all the big name in politics.


lush plants that are lush grow many leaves and look healthy and strong:
The fields were lush with grass and flowers.

inlet a narrow area of water that reaches from the sea or a lake into
the land: There are several sheltered inlets along the coast.

extravagant spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is
necessary or more than you can afford [opp] economical:
Would it would be too extravagant to buy both?
