

Christmas Countdown 10

have/take a breather informal to stop what you are doing for a short time  
in order to to rest, especially when you are exercising


ラジオ英会話 (December 15, 2014)

Christmas Shopping Down to the Wire

down to the wire  (American & Australian)
until the very last moment that it is possible to do something
Usage notes: In a horse race, the wire is a metal thread that marks 
the finishing line.
If both teams are playing at their best, the game will go down to the wire 
(= it will be won at the last moment). 
The Democrats struggled down to the wire to choose their candidate. 
(from The Free Dictionary by FARLEX)

brave to deal with a difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant situation
みかん星人さん or Rabbitさんが動詞としての用法について触れていたのを前に読みました。

dampen also dampen down BrE to make something such as a feeling or activity
less strong: The light rain dampened the crowd's enthusiasm.

Enjoy Simple Englsih (December 15, 2014)

have a (good) eye for sth to be good noticing a particular type of things,
especially something attractive, valuable, of good quality etc:
Yuka has an eye for detail.
