UEFA Europa League
WOWOWにて,ウエストハムvsフランクフルト戦1st legを観戦。
CNN 10
(CNN)April 28, 2022
An update on the war in Ukraine, including a firsthand look at its impact on a Ukrainian community, is our first report today.
Afterward, we're examining the science of sleep, from tips for getting better rest to devices that aim to closely track sleep quality.
And when an eaglet accidentally falls from its nest, wildlife officials swoop in to help.
(CNN)April 29, 2022
The U.S. economy surprisingly contracted at a pace of 1.4 percent in the first quarter of this year. The significance of that -- and the silver lining to the report -- are our first topics on today's show.
A historic drought in the American West takes its toll on several states, and an Illinois home renovation reveals a classic combo.
ちなみに,日本の場合には,以前にも書きましたが,GNI(Gross National Income)の動向の方が重要な気がします。
Folklore and Fairy Tales
The Three Little Pig
brick noun
UK /brɪk/ US /brɪk/
brick noun (BUILDING BLOCK)
B2 [C] a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and houses:
The chimney was made of bricks.
red-brick houses
He was so embarrassed - his face went brick-red (= a dark red).
huff and puff
to breathe loudly, usually after physical exercise:
We were huffing and puffing by the time we'd climbed to the top of the hill.
turnip noun [C]
UK /ˈtɜː.nɪp/ US /ˈtɝː.nɪp/
a rounded, white root that is eaten cooked as a vegetable, or the plant that produces it
chimney noun [C]
UK /ˈtʃɪm.ni/ US /ˈtʃɪm.ni/
chimney noun [C] (PIPE)
B2 a hollow structure that allows the smoke from a fire inside a building to escape to the air outside:
Factory chimneys belched dense white smoke into the sky.
- Hard work pays off
- Short cuts can cost you a lot
- Plan strategically
- Plan for the worst, hope for the best
- Know your limits
- Know when to quit
- Work hard now, reap the rewards later
- Be philanthropic
- Be patient
番組では,1番上の"Hard work pays off"が示されていました。