


TOEIC Countdown IP 4 SP 5

corner to force a person or animal into a position from which they cannot easily escape: Once the dog was cornered, he began to growl. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMEの購読手続きに関するメールが…

第196回 TOEIC スコア発表

リスニングがプラス5, リーディングがマイナス5で,差し引きゼロ,11月と同じスコアですわ。 にゃもし

TOEIC Countdown IP 5 SP 6

coast to be successful at something without much effort: They scored three goals in the first half and from then on United were coasting. [+to/though] The Ugandan relay team are coasting to victory. ----------------------------------------…

TOEIC Countdown IP 6 SP 7

not hold water if an excuse, a statement etc does not hold water, it does not seem to be true or reasonable ;学部のゼミの先生がこれを誤訳したんですわ。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 栗きんとんと黒…

TOEIC Countdown IP 7 SP 8

nuisance a person, thing, or situation that annoys you or causes problems: a real/awful/terrible etc nuisance The dogs next door are a real nuisance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は,アマゾン…

TOEIC Countdown IP 8 SP 9

turn over a new leaf to change the way you behave and become a better person: I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 本日で年始のイベントはすべて終わっ…

TOEIC Countdown IP 9 SP 10

leisurely if you do something in a leisurely way, you do it in a slow, relaxed way, without hurrying: After lunch we went for a leisurely stroll. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 大晦日は久しぶりに紅…

New Year's Resolution

新年あけましておめでとうございます。 本年もよろしくお願い申し上げます。 増田有華さんは年女なので,昨年以上の飛躍をお願いしたいですわ。 ・昨年に誓ったTOEICで950点以上を取るまでは,セミナー・オフ会NGを解禁。 ・TOEIC SWテストを2回以上受ける…