

STEP 1st Grade countdown 17

diarrhea AmE diarrheoea BrE an illness in which waste from the bowels
is watery and comes out often
bowels [plural] the system of tubes inside your body where food is made
into solid waste material and through which it passes out of your body
体調不良ですわ。TOEIC IP,SP二連戦を組んでいなくて本当に良かったですわ。


(something) to speak of to have so little of something that it is not worth 
talking about: There was no snow to speak of this winter. 
I really don't have any job benefits to speak of.

plateau a period during which the level of something does not change,
especially after a period when it was increasing

go through sth to experience a particular process:

give sth a try/shot/whirl informal also give sth a go BrE
to try to do something, especially something you have not done before:
I'm not usually much good at this sort of game, but I'll give it a go.
