

STEP 1st Grade countdown 23

retard to delay the development of something, or to make something happen
more slowly than expected [syn] slow down: Cold weather retards the growth
of many plants.


Have you made any New Year's resolutions?

The New Year's holiday is almost over.

How soon after New Year's do you start working?

I idled away the first three days of the New Year.

idle sth <-> away to spend time in a relaxed way, doing nothing:
They idled their time away in the pub.

I lost my edge over the New Year's holiday.

lose your edge to lose the qualities or skills that made you successful 
in the past:
She's still competing, but she's two years older now and she's lost her edge.
(from Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed.)

I'm still on New Year's holiday in my mind.

to/in my mind used to show you are giving your opinion about something

I look forward to working together again this year.
