

STEP 1st Grade countdown 24

disordered if someone is mentally disordered, their mind is not working
in a normal and healthy way

イメージ 1



I think that I've proved my point.

prove to show that something is true by providing facts, information etc: 
To prove his point (=show that he was right), he mentioned several 
other experiments which had produced similar results. 

I can't decide whether I should vote for him.

Feel free to have a look around if you like.

look an act of looking at something: 
have/take a look around also have/take a look round
(=look at all the things in a particular place)
I have a special interest in old houses.
Do you mind if I take a look around? 

He looks dignified though he's young.

dignified behaving in a calm and serious way, even in a difficult
situation, which makes people respect you: a dignified old lady

Do as you're told.
