

Christmas Countdown 5

stringent stringent economic conditions exist when there is a severe
lack of money and strict control on the supply of money
12月7日に明治大学で受験したTOEIC IPのスコアが900点割れの890点でした。


Weekly Review

noteworthy important or interesting enough to deserve your attention:
a noteworthy achievement


We're always short-staffed at year's end.

short-staffed having fewer than the usual or necessary number of workers 
[syn] short-handed
short-handed having fewer helper or worker than you need

Things have been hectic this month.

You've done so much for me this past year.

This is our last day of work.

The end of the year is drawing near.

draw near/closer to become closer in time or space:
Yuka grew anxious as the men drew closer. 

Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?

I wish you the best of luck in the coming year.

英語リスニング入門(2003年6月23日Christmas Day)

Part 3

wonder to feel surprised and unable to believe something:
[+about/at] Sometimes I wonder about her behavior.

give one's right leg to ... 大きな代価を払っても・・・する
And the right leg you are to give to the priest for an offering 
to be lifted up out of what is given for your peace-offerings.

take sb/sth along to bring someone or something along with one 
Can I take my friend along on the hike? 
You should take along your own drinking water.

a fifth/third wheel AmE someone who is in a situation where they are not really
needed or are ignored by other people:
I don't have a role in the office any more - I feel like a fifth wheel.
(from Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd edition)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks
one ofが書き取れず。

Words and Expressions

What do you think ... ? ・・・は何だと思いますか? 
疑問詞の後にdo you thinkが来る構文に慣れる。

Why is it that ... ? ・・・なのはなぜですか?
疑問詞の後にis itが来る構文に慣れる。

she/see, sheet/seat, ship/sip
Step by Step
Quiz 3/3

In Context
・one of theのくずれ one of theのofの[v]は非常に脱落しやすい。
・would have beenのくずれ ふたつのくずれがある。
