

Count Down TOIEC SP 5 IP 6

concurrent existing or happening at the same time
流行語大賞4つ同時受賞でしたね。来年は,TOEIC, TOEIC SW, TOEFL ITP, 英検1級の4つで


rove written to travel from one place to another [syn] roam
roving reporter someone who works for a newspaper or television company 
and moves from place to place

scene [singular] the place where an accident, crime etc happened:
at the scene Investigators are now at the scene, searching for clues.

sustain to suffer damage, an injury, or loss of money:
Two of the fire-fighters sustained serious injuries.
Some nearby buildings sustained minor damage.
The company has sustained heavy financial losses this year.

pile-up a traffic accident involving many vehicles

back up if traffic backs up, it forms a long line of vehicles that cannot move: 
The traffic was starting to back up in both directions.
名詞のbackup(something that you can use to replace something that does not work or is lost)の
イメージが強すぎて,句動詞のback upのイメージをうまく掴むことができていない。

treacherous ground, roads, weather conditions etc that are treacherous
are particularly dangerous because you cannot see the dangers very easily:
Strong winds and loose rocks made climbing treacherous.

heads-up alert
heads up! AmE spoken used to warn people that something is falling from above

11月18日放送分のstore creditについて,追加説明があった。


Let's take a taxi.
It'll get us there faster.
Traffic is not heavy at this time of day.

Traffic is lighter than usual today.

My eyelids are getting heavy.
I can't work like this.
Coffee might help me shake this drowsiness.

eyelid a piece of skin that covers your eye when it is closed:
His eyelids began to droop (=close, because he was sleepy).

Check out my new car.
I'm going to take it for a spin.
Want to come along?

spin [singular] informal a short trip in a car for pleasure [syn] drive: 
Let's go for a spin in the country.
Do you want to take my car for a spin?

come along to go to a place with someone:
We're going into town - do you want to come along?
