

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 28

upheaval a very big change that often causes problems:
Moving house is a major upheaval.


次はWキャストの交響劇 『 船に乗れ!』。谷口ゆうなさんに負けるな!!!

AFN-Tokyo,今日は16-On the Media, 17-Jazz Profiles???だった。

24時からのNHK-BSのGunners vs. Spursどうしたものか?ベイルは移籍するんだよね?


The future is uncertain now.
It's only natural to feel anxiety.
But you have to keep trying.

natural normal and as you would expect [opp] unnatural, abnormal
it is natural (for sb) to do sth
It's not natural for a child of his age to be so quiet.
It's only natural that he should be interested in what happens.
It was a perfectly natural (=not surprising) mistake to make.

Good luck with your presentation.
Remember to stick to the script.
Don't go off on a tangent.

stick to sth to keep using or doing one particular thing and 
not change to anything else: If you're driving, stick to soft drink.

go off at a tangent BrE go off on a tangent AmE informal
to suddenly start thinking or talking about a subject that is only
slightly related, or not related at all, to the original subject:
Let's stay with the topic and not go off at a tangent.

We've been paying our mortgage for 19 years.
And now we're entering the home stretch.
Just one more year to go.

home stretch the last part of an activity or journey

to go still having to be done or dealt with before you have finished:
Yuka's sat six exams and has two more to go.
sit BrE to take an examination
