

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 27

effort an attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of
hard work or determination
determination the quality of trying to do something even when it is difficult:
determination to do sth Yuka shows great determination to learn English.
Quarter Finalはnight sessionだろうから,ライブで観戦できるのは最後かなあ。

英語リスニング入門(2002年9月2日分Labor Day)
Terms and Concepts
Labor Day is celebrated in the United States and Canada on the first Monday
of September. It was originally a holiday to honor workers, but, today,
many people see it as the holiday that marks the end of the summer.
Families and friends enjoy picnics, barbecues, or outings to resort areas
over Labor Day Weekend and say good-bye to the summer seasons. 



pinch if something you are wearing pinches you, if presses painfully on part of 
your body, because it is too tight: Her new shoes were pinching.

wobbly informal if you or your legs feel wobbly, you feel weak and unable to keep
your balance [syn] shaky

posture the way you position your body when sitting or standing:
good/bad etc posture Poor posture can lead to muscular problems.

swear by sth informal to have great confidence in how good or effective
something is: He swears by vitamin C pills.

Lin Lougheed, 600 essential words for the TOEIC, 3rd ed., 2008.

初回なので,1セットだけだったのですが,Part 3&Part 4の問題は読まれないので,先読みなし
モードでPart 3の直後にポーズ状態で,マークして,Part 4を続けてやる形式を取りました。

Lesson 1 Contracts
L 7/9(1/1, 1/2, 3/3, 2/3) R 13/14(6/6, 2/3, DP 5/5)

Part6の文書にpertaining toありました。


Here it is --- my dream car.
It's fast, sleek and so cool.
Now all I have to do is (to) pay off the loan.

sleek a vehicle or other object that is sleek has a smooth attractive shape:
the sleek lines of the new Mercedes

What you have to do now is keep practicing.

I have to work on Saturday.
I won't be in the office all day.
I just coming in for a few hours.

This meeting isn't getting anywhere.
We're debating and debating and getting nowhere.
Let's break for lunch and try again later.

get/go nowhere to have no success or make no progress:
get sb nowhere A negative attitude will get you nowhere. 

Excuses will get you nowhere.
