

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 2

plow on to continue doing something that is difficult or boring:
[+with] Yuka plowed on with the endless exam papers.
増田有華さん,アトリエ・ダンカンプロデュース 交響劇「船に乗れ!」に出演予定。


積ん読だったイ・イクフン著『極めろ!リスニング解答力 TOEIC TEST』スリーエーネットワーク
Part 2の例文数,255+295+12+30=562+30=592,巻末にさらに問題Q&A 5題,例文55。

英語リスニング入門(2002年8月21日分August Personalities)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

wouldn't have gotten, follow, I've had to(I heard toに聞こえたorz)書き取れず。

Words and Expressions

I'm not going to ~ ~するつもりはない:しばしば拒否や拒絶を表す
to be going to do sth to intend to do something

What do you mean ~? used when you are very surprised or annoyed by
what someone has just said

no way! used to say that you will definitely net do or allow something

gunk AmE informal any substance that is dirty, sticky, or unpleasant

help out to help someone because they are busy or have problems

smack to hit something hard against something else so that it makes
a short loud noise

tender a part of your body that is tender is painful if someone touches it
[syn] sore My arm is still tender where I bruised it.

Sounds and Sound Change

wouldn't have gottenのくずれ wouldn'tの[t]とhave[h]がほとんど聞こえない。
follow theのくずれ followの[lou]がはっきり聞こえない。
bottleのくずれ [tl]が前後の音の影響で[d]のようになっている。
I've had toのくずれ I'veの[v]が弱まり,[f]に近くなり,hadの[h]がほとんど脱落している。その結果,


A: Do you have a tape recorder I can borrow?
B: No. But I have a digital voice recorder.
A: Can you spare it?
B: Sure. Just press this button to record.

spare not being used or not needed at the present time

A: Ouch! I'm sore all over.
B: Did you play touch football again?
A: No. I took my kids to the beach.
B: Oh, so it's not just sore muscles, but sunburn as well.

A: What's a good name for a dog?
B: I don't know. Fido? Teddy? Why?
A: Jim is getting a dachshund and asked for suggestions.
B: I think it's better to name a dog after you see it.
