

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 1

packed out [not before noun] BrE informal
a cinema, restaurant etc that is packed out is completely full of people 

英語リスニング入門(2002年8月19日分August Personalities)

Terms and Concepts
Different heroes fight in different ways and achieve different sort of things.
There have been war heroes, such as Lord Nelson, who won the Battle of Trafalgar
in 1805. At this sea battle, the British fleet led by Nelson defeated the French
and Spanish. There have also been heroes who fought, not with weapons, but with
words. Martin Luther King Jr., the American civil rights leader, fought against
discrimination by organizing nonviolent resistance. The famous‘I have a dream
speech that he delivered in 1963 achieved what guns and swords would never have

on the spur of the moment
suddenly, without any previous planning or thought

find out to get information, after trying to discover it or by chance

tough luck! spoken used when you do not have any sympathy for someone's


Do you think I look fat?
My weight hasn't changed much lately.
But my body feels sort of heavy.

sort of spoken used to say that something is partly true but
does not describe the exact situation

Bill, this is my friend Gina.
She is the one I've been telling you about.
Now I'll leave you two alone.

tell to give information in ways other than talking:
tell ab about sth What do these fossils tell us about climate change?

leave sb/sth alone to go away from someone so that they are on their own

Loot at this scuff mark here.
You did it again, didn't you?
I wish you would drive more carefully.

scuff mark a mark made on something when it has rubbed against 
something rough
