


Countdown TOEIC IP 3 TOEIC L&R 4

sweet If you describe someone as sweet, you mean that they are pleasant, kind, and gentle toward other people. He was a sweet man but when he drank he tended to quarrel. ---------------------------------------------------------------- UEFA…

TOKYO CITY GIRL-2016-,パンフレット届きました

お台場での上映もあともう少し。パンフレット,無事受け取れました。 にゃもし

TOKYO CITY GIRL-2016-台本セット買ってきました

本日は,ボスの都合もあり,オフィスは早じまいという予定外のことになりまして, かなり早く,お台場に向かうことになってしまいました。有楽町線で豊洲に出て, そこから東京テレポート駅行きの都営バスに乗りました。 そそっかしく,バスの停留所をフジテ…

Countdown TOEIC IP 4 TOEIC L&R 5

call If someone in authority calls something such as a meeting, rehearsal, or election, they arrange for it to take place at a particular time. We're going to call a meeting and discuss how we can work with other groups. ------------------…

Countdown TOEIC IP 5 TOEIC L&R 6

breakthrough A breakthrough is an important development or achievement. The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 乾選手,同点弾の決定機もゴールな…

Countdown TOEIC IP 6 TOEIC L&R 7

allergy If you have a particular allergy, you become ill or get a rash when you eat, smell, or touch something that does not normally make people ill. Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms. ----------------…

TOKYO CITY GIRL-2016-お台場で本日からロードショウ!

premiere The premiere of a new play or movie is the first public performance of it. Four astronauts visited for last week's premiere of the movie Space Station. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOKYO CITY GI…

TOKYO CITY GIRL-2016-お台場で明日からロードショウ!

stoked If you are stoked about something, you are very excited about it. The kids were happy, the crowds were stoked. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 明日のプレゼンを前に,バタバタしております。 実践ビジネ…

TOKYO CITY GIRL-2016-お台場ロードショウまであと2日

buzzword A buzzword is a word or expression that has become fashionable in a particular field and is being used a lot by the media. Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit. god If someone plays God, they act as if they have u…