


2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 5

accept to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do [opp] refuse STUDY NOTE Common Error accept to do sth agree to do sth The company agreed to pay them compensation. ------------------…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 6

square up to sb/sth to deal with a difficult situation or person in a determined way ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨晩は無事,チェルシーvsアーセナル戦を観戦できました。アーセナル,負けちゃったけど…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 7

hasty done in a hurry, especially with bad results [syn] hurriedly: Yuka soon regretted her hasty decision. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- また寝違えました。今度は反対側(左)。ストレッチで,首が回ら…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 8

coward someone who is not at all brave: Try it. Don't be such a coward. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- アバターが来年3月で終了するお詫びのボーナスゴールドを使って,少しだけ,女性のアバターを 華やか…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 9

canonical technical in the simplest mathematical form ----------------------------------------------------------------------- アジア大会の男子バレー,残念ながら,イランに負けてしまいました。 女子の日本代表は,ほとんど速攻を繰り出せないので…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 10

rally to become stronger again after a period of weakness or defeat [syn] recover: The Tokyo stock market rallied later in the day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 世界バレー,クロアチアにも逆転負け…

2014年度第2回英検1級 Countdown 11

crick to hurt back or neck by bending or moving in a way that makes the muscles become stiff: I cricked my back bending to pick up the suitcase. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 寝違えてしまったのです…